Caribou Gear Tarp

Loyalty Kentucky elk draw 2023


Jun 12, 2023
Hey guys and gals a little story here hope you all don’t mind.I’ve always wanted to hunt elk In Colorado since I was a little guy the thoughts of hunting a screaming bull just runs chills down my spine. But I never got to do it but Kentucky brought back the elk here I live in eastern ky just out of the elk zones me and my dad put in ever year since 2001 I have 23 years in the draw now. My dad my hunting partner passed away in 2017 we never got to do a kentucky elk hunt together I miss him. I am 53 years old now this year I have a really good chance to get an elk tag through the loyalty draw they’re having.I should know maybe Thursday or Friday. If I do get one probably never get another one with my age and odds of drawing a tag. I am asking my fellow hunters if anyone could help me out any knowledge of the elk units here or any private property I could maybe hunt I’ve done a lot of research by what the ky fish and wildlife has on there website hunting forums I cannot afford a guide. It’s probably once in a lifetime deal for me a dream come true to hunt a bull elk so if I get a tag I will have until June 30 to apply for a elk unit or a limited entry area I just want to make a good choice so any help from my fellow hunters would be appreciated I know you all understand that dream and then I can share my knowledge of what i experience when I hunt with someone else. And I can turn someone who helps me on to two or three days of river musky fishing got everything you need just show up January February march best months in the river cacth a big musky sorry for the long thread thanks for any help god bless .
I think Kentucky elk draw was may 13th, should know already if u got one. All the other states have already had there drawing to. OTC in colorado will be your best bet now unless u can find a left over tag when they become available
I think Kentucky elk draw was may 13th, should know already if u got one. All the other states have already had there drawing to. OTC in colorado will be your best bet now unless u can find a left over tag when they become available
Yes the regular draw is over but there having a loyalty draw for the tags that are not bought last year there was a 100 tags not purchased for the ones who have put in ever year has a chance at the left over tags that isn’t purchased.
Yes the regular draw is over but there having a loyalty draw for the tags that are not bought last year there was a 100 tags not purchased for the ones who have put in ever year has a chance at the left over tags that isn’t purchased.
I didn't know this, maybe one will come available Good Luck
@Dreamhunter#1 , do you have access to hunt elk on property that holds them, or would you go with an outfitter?

I lost my interest in applying for KY elk when I started to learn about how difficult it is to find places to hunt them without paying big $$. From what I've gathered, there is virtually no access to elk on public ground and outfitters have pretty tight arms around the hunt able populations. Is that your understanding?

I wonder if the reissued tags are people that fall in love with the spectacle and romance of applying for elk in KY, only to learn that they don't stand much of a chance without paying big bucks?
@Dreamhunter#1 , do you have access to hunt elk on property that holds them, or would you go with an outfitter?

I lost my interest in applying for KY elk when I started to learn about how difficult it is to find places to hunt them without paying big $$. From what I've gathered, there is virtually no access to elk on public ground and outfitters have pretty tight arms around the hunt able populations. Is that your understanding?

I wonder if the reissued tags are people that fall in love with the spectacle and romance of applying for elk in KY, only to learn that they don't stand much of a chance without paying big bucks?
Yup, this is what I learned the hard way from when I drew a tag a few years ago and tried to do it on my own on private open to public hunting
@Dreamhunter#1 , do you have access to hunt elk on property that holds them, or would you go with an outfitter?

I lost my interest in applying for KY elk when I started to learn about how difficult it is to find places to hunt them without paying big $$. From what I've gathered, there is virtually no access to elk on public ground and outfitters have pretty tight arms around the hunt able populations. Is that your understanding?

I wonder if the reissued tags are people that fall in love with the spectacle and romance of applying for elk in KY, only to learn that they don't stand much of a chance without paying big bucks?
I am working on trying to get permission on private property yeah you could be right about the left over tags I have to give it a shot thanks
Yell I can’t afford a outfitter guide I live here just outside of the elk units I will just try to find a herd if I get a tag
You can go to your profile after you log in on KDFWR website and you can look to be sure that you are eligible for the loyalty draw. It will show your application for every year you applied. I thought I was eligible and I found out I didn't apply about 12 years ago!!!

If you are indeed eligible, you will probably get drawn if you applied for all 3 tags. Archery is your best chance for harvest. Unbelievable how many people that draw and never purchase a permit!!! I guess in the past, these tags just got wasted. Its good that they are reissued now. KY residents only pay $10 to apply so if the schedule doesnt work out, they just dont go and eat $10.

Hunt is not what most think it is. Outfitters dont follow rules and nobody cares. I never saw a game warden. The hunt is completely reliant on if you draw a regulated area in the secondary draw. If you dont, you gotta hunt some crap strip mine thats been totally forsaken and taken over by autumn olive and sericia lezpedeza and if bulls arent buggling, you wont find them cause you cant see more the 100 yds. Nobody has been doing anything to retain elk habitat and they cant burn because there is no native grasses to carry a flame. It is a shame.

If you draw a good regulated area, you will kill an elk. If not, its probably 35% with a guide. Shouda of never came to this.:(

Also, your gonna love how 20 Razers just come riding by constantly, all day, blasting crap music and tossing beer cans. Shit show!!!!

We hunted unit 3 hard. Made 4 trips down there b4 I found elk. I can help you with unit 3.
You can go to your profile after you log in on KDFWR website and you can look to be sure that you are eligible for the loyalty draw. It will show your application for every year you applied. I thought I was eligible and I found out I didn't apply about 12 years ago!!!

If you are indeed eligible, you will probably get drawn if you applied for all 3 tags. Archery is your best chance for harvest. Unbelievable how many people that draw and never purchase a permit!!! I guess in the past, these tags just got wasted. Its good that they are reissued now. KY residents only pay $10 to apply so if the schedule doesnt work out, they just dont go and eat $10.

Hunt is not what most think it is. Outfitters dont follow rules and nobody cares. I never saw a game warden. The hunt is completely reliant on if you draw a regulated area in the secondary draw. If you dont, you gotta hunt some crap strip mine thats been totally forsaken and taken over by autumn olive and sericia lezpedeza and if bulls arent buggling, you wont find them cause you cant see more the 100 yds. Nobody has been doing anything to retain elk habitat and they cant burn because there is no native grasses to carry a flame. It is a shame.

If you draw a good regulated area, you will kill an elk. If not, its probably 35% with a guide. Shouda of never came to this.:(

Also, your gonna love how 20 Razers just come riding by constantly, all day, blasting crap music and tossing beer cans. Shit show!!!!

We hunted unit 3 hard. Made 4 trips down there b4 I found elk. I can help you with unit 3.
I had unit 3 as well and my experience was pretty much identical to yours except I only had 2 trips. Second one, on the last evening I finally found elk but next morning they were gone. We gave up and came home a day early.
You can go to your profile after you log in on KDFWR website and you can look to be sure that you are eligible for the loyalty draw. It will show your application for every year you applied. I thought I was eligible and I found out I didn't apply about 12 years ago!!!

If you are indeed eligible, you will probably get drawn if you applied for all 3 tags. Archery is your best chance for harvest. Unbelievable how many people that draw and never purchase a permit!!! I guess in the past, these tags just got wasted. Its good that they are reissued now. KY residents only pay $10 to apply so if the schedule doesnt work out, they just dont go and eat $10.

Hunt is not what most think it is. Outfitters dont follow rules and nobody cares. I never saw a game warden. The hunt is completely reliant on if you draw a regulated area in the secondary draw. If you dont, you gotta hunt some crap strip mine thats been totally forsaken and taken over by autumn olive and sericia lezpedeza and if bulls arent buggling, you wont find them cause you cant see more the 100 yds. Nobody has been doing anything to retain elk habitat and they cant burn because there is no native grasses to carry a flame. It is a shame.

If you draw a good regulated area, you will kill an elk. If not, its probably 35% with a guide. Shouda of never came to this.:(

Also, your gonna love how 20 Razers just come riding by constantly, all day, blasting crap music and tossing beer cans. Shit show!!!!

We hunted unit 3 hard. Made 4 trips down there b4 I found elk. I can help you with unit 3.
Yes I had got a email from the fish and wildlife said I had applied for 23 years I seen it on my profile I know it’s not going to be easy for sure. I was going to try for regulated area just not for sure which one I have been do some research on it I use to put in for all the tags but the last five years it’s just been bull rifle. Just not as young as I used to be or I would have put in for the bow. Not for sure how the drawing works on the areas and regulated areas thanks for the information.
Yes I had got a email from the fish and wildlife said I had applied for 23 years I seen it on my profile I know it’s not going to be easy for sure. I was going to try for regulated area just not for sure which one I have been do some research on it I use to put in for all the tags but the last five years it’s just been bull rifle. Just not as young as I used to be or I would have put in for the bow. Not for sure how the drawing works on the areas and regulated areas thanks for the information.
I can help you with reg areas choices and tell you where not to go in unit 3 if you draw it. Also, keep in mind that if drawn for a reg area, you can hunt the whole unit that the reg area is in. This is important when you see the guides on Razors, with paid hunters who didnt draw that reg area, stealing elk from you and the other people who drew that reg area.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
All these comments are exactly what I've been saying for years. Just solidifies my decision to stop wasting money on KY elk. I stopped applying 3 years ago, after 12 yrs straight of not getting drawn and watching the same rich people and tv personalities go year after year. I've heard from people who have actually drawn that it takes upwards of 10k to get access to public ground, and yes the guides to those outfitters run quads up and down public chasing the elk to private. Wish I would have stopped and started applying out west sooner than I did. But sounds like I made the right decision. It's unfortunate, I would have loved to chase elk in my home state but I will be just as happy chasing them out west!
You can go to your profile after you log in on KDFWR website and you can look to be sure that you are eligible for the loyalty draw. It will show your application for every year you applied. I thought I was eligible and I found out I didn't apply about 12 years ago!!!

If you are indeed eligible, you will probably get drawn if you applied for all 3 tags. Archery is your best chance for harvest. Unbelievable how many people that draw and never purchase a permit!!! I guess in the past, these tags just got wasted. Its good that they are reissued now. KY residents only pay $10 to apply so if the schedule doesnt work out, they just dont go and eat $10.

Hunt is not what most think it is. Outfitters dont follow rules and nobody cares. I never saw a game warden. The hunt is completely reliant on if you draw a regulated area in the secondary draw. If you dont, you gotta hunt some crap strip mine thats been totally forsaken and taken over by autumn olive and sericia lezpedeza and if bulls arent buggling, you wont find them cause you cant see more the 100 yds. Nobody has been doing anything to retain elk habitat and they cant burn because there is no native grasses to carry a flame. It is a shame.

If you draw a good regulated area, you will kill an elk. If not, its probably 35% with a guide. Shouda of never came to this.:(

Also, your gonna love how 20 Razers just come riding by constantly, all day, blasting crap music and tossing beer cans. Shit show!!!!

We hunted unit 3 hard. Made 4 trips down there b4 I found elk. I can help you with unit 3.
Hey man, my son drew a youth either sex tag for Unit 3. I'd love to talk if you're willing. Thanks!
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