Kenetrek Boots

Lost a Big Boy This Week

I know I said no more posts but I need to confess.

I was feeling kind of frisky and a bit bored. I knew your chains would be hanging out and easy to pull.

I understand what high fence hunting is and I would have been much more serious if that's what this was. I don't care if you guys use cameras. Just because I don't do it doesn't mean others can't. As long as it's legal.

As for the buck being hit. It's a good one. Yes, it's too bad and very common where I live. I'm in a small mountain town in the Colorado Rockies with lots of mule deer and elk. Neither one are car/truck smart. I watch them standing on the side of the road and as the car gets close they charge across the road. It's like it's a game to them or they're just stupid. I pas an area that a lot of game get hit. Humans are just as stupid and don't slow down when they see an animal on the side of the road.

If I come onto a fresh kill i'll call the DOW right away and most times they let me have it. It's a shame to see them killed but at least if I can get the meat it won't go to waste.

Anyway, i'll try not to be tempted by loose chains again.
Both of you just went on ignore. Since you can't do it.

Better yet. I'm too late in life to deal with kids. I'll make you all happy. Consider me off this forum from now on. You can cheer now. (behind my back)
Both of you just went on ignore. Since you can't do it.

Better yet. I'm too late in life to deal with kids. I'll make you all happy. Consider me off this forum from now on. You can cheer now. (behind my back)
Sweet. But I think you did this once before. If you want off, Randy can accommodate. mtmuley
Its a dream of mine to witness an elk hit by a vehicle as it happens during the colder months where the driver does not want to put a roadkill tag of their own on the kill.
We've got about 230 acres of pretty prime whitetail habitat at our IN place that we monitor and manage pretty well. Got an unpleasant surprise one morning this week while touring the perimeter. Laying right beside the road at one end was a great big velvet buck with a 50%+ rack developed, freshly hit by a car. He was going to be a big boy, already wider than his ears, 5" brow tines, great mass, and looked like potential for some junk points.

No more trail cam pics of him :cry:
That’s heartbreaking. Hopefully he was able to reproduce last year!
I bet I scout more than most. I don't need cameras. Why do you think some states are going to outlaw them or already have.

Some take 400yd shots. Some sit in trees over bait. Do as you please because the kill is what's important right?

Go ahead and laugh. I am too.
You scout more than most but don't want to know what a buck looks like until you see it for the first time deer hunting season. How does that work? Do you never see them scouting?

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