Losing a parent and dealing with it.....

I lost my father on opening day of Montana Archery Season 2011. 3 am in the morning. 7 months later I really still cannot believe he is gone.

I dont let a day go by without telling my 5 kids how much I love them. Good luck Andy, Prayers are with ya buddy.
Cancer sucks.

Sorry for your loss Andy, thoughts and prayers with you and your family.
Death stinks. Sorry for your families' loss. Be sure to pass on her best wisdom to the following generations.
Sorry Andy. I do my best to follow your advice with my parents. You and your family are in our prayers.
Sorry Andy. I cant imagine losing a parent. We came close last June when both of my folks were run over by a semi. Worse feeling in the world. Docs told us to start making arrangements. it was a long 10 hour trip back home wondering if I was gonna make it or not.
I just want to remind everyone no matter how old you or how tough you are( or think you are), make sure you tell the one's you love that you love them while you have the time to do so. Live is very short and as time goes by we need to annitiate giving hugs and I love you's to the people close to us.

So true Andy. Seems we are constantly reminded to redouble our affections and faith. I often share stories like these with my family to remind them of how important we are to each other and to share comfort with others. Prayer sent your way from the Skipworths.
I so appreciate the responses to this thread. It eases my pain to know that people that I have never met are willing to share a part of themselves with me at this time. I am truly sorry for the losses of family that so many of you have had to endure in the past. We are blessed to have some great people on this web site. Thanks so much for the thoughts and prayers as it will help my family and I through the day to come.

Andy Dockins
We lost my Mom this past Saturday after a fight with pancreatic cancer.
I am sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my dad to the same ailment in 2008. Time does help, but at least for me it still hasn't let me heal completely. There are days I miss him so much that I still cry about it. Part of my moving 1/2 way across the country was to be closer to family and especially him. I hate all he's missing. I try to always remember the good times and make sure to tell my two boys stories about their Grandpa Rick...and that seems to help.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Prayers go out to everyone dealing with this terrible of losing someone.

My mom is finishing her cancer treatment now, not fun to get that phone call at all.
Sorry to hear that buddy.
I lost my mother last May, she had a good innings at 86 and in the end it came as a relief for her.
It was expected, but the circumstances in relation to me were weird, i was guiding 2 chaps on the river, something 'told' me to get to the nursing home, i left the guys early, ran 2 miles in waders to my truck, popped home, quick shower 90mph into town, walked in and they said, 'sorry your mum passed away 10 minutes ago', thankfully my sister-in-law was with her at the time.
Although time heals, what i have found is you cant stop dreams from happening, and just small things remind you of your mum, but its nice to have memories isnt it.
Today was the best celebration of a persons life that I have ever been to. My Mom had touched a lot of people's lives. We had a full church and we had a party.
It's been 20 and 22 years since I lost my parents. Time will dull the pain but it never goes away. I always wish I had just one more day with them. Sorry to hear about your loss.
sorry about your loss,pleaase read revalation 21:3,4
there will come a time when all this suffering will end.:)

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