Looks like I got an Oryx tag...

Now that’s traditional hunting. Complete with a loin cloth. Tell those trad guys they aren’t “ really traditional “ till they get one.

I went Ol' school all the way back to the Lick um and Stick um Arrows......

I'm happy for your tag, that was a fun hunt. Probably one of the easiest hunts I've been on and definitely one of the craziest with hunters that I've ever seen. I remember them giving us a safety talk and we couldn't have cameras and what not then said we could go. Guys floors it and got sideways in their truck to be "first" then pulled over couple hundred yards down the road to jump out and shoot the first one they saw. Some guys had 2 story racks in the back of their truck to shoot from.
Good on you! I have hunted a lot of oryx in Namibia. They are spectacular looking animals and absolutely delicious. Two things that I learned about the gemsbok. One is that their vitals are situated further front than one might expect. I learned this the hard way by shooting an oryx behind the shoulders so as not to waste meat (they sell it over there, at times) and it ran a hundred yards and stopped. I could easily have shot again but knew that it was toast.

And suddenly it was running hard for the thornbush. My hurried shot was a miss and it was into the thorns and out of sight. It was sundown and I had only my lady with me. Oryx can be poor sports and a wounded one can be very dangerous.

So all of a sudden life was way more complicated that it should have been.

After a life time of hunting as much as I can - I am still as dumb as a sack of hammers.

I ddi finally get the bull but it was not that evening and required numerous follow up shots. Bah!
Congrats on tag. I have taken 3 in the Kalahari. They are a worthy game animal and look impressive and spectacular. Hunt them like pronghorn. They are desert survivor specialists. Being out in the sun all day lile a pronghorn is not a problem. They can often get enough moisture through moisture in what they eat. They like to feed early because in the desert that is when the most moisture in the plant is above ground. Obviously, they will also drink standing water if availible.

As stated above. Aim slightly in front of shoulder crease and not too high. 1/3 up not 1/2. They have huge shoulders and backs so the lungs are lower than they appear compared to a deer or elk

Best of luck.
You will have a blast! Enjoy the NM beauty and eat a green chili cheeseburger while you are there. I tagged out on a female last year. On range has a ton of road access with lots of hidden pockets. Cover a lot of ground as much as possible in the morning and find good glassing spots in the middle of the day. They are very prolific there, so do not worry about stalking an animal that is more than 1 mi off. If you are off range, then you may need to spot and stalk more.

Once you find out where you are hunting, PM me for some more tips and tricks.
Got to admit I’m a little bit jealous, but definitely happy for you! Congrats and good luck on the hunt!
One final thought, after your shot and and animal down (come on the the animal from behind). Those animals are mean and lethal with those javelins. I think the first depredations hunts were instigated because the oryx would put their horns through the car doors of the White Sands employees. They are aggressive.
Congratulations!! Hope you have a great hunt.

On a side note, I feel like this would be an absolutely fantastic scam to run. Call hunters saying they were next in line for XYZ tag that just got returned and it was theirs if they paid now. I know I'd be screwed!!!!
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