Looking for WY private land


New member
Jan 7, 2020
If anyone knows of any landowners/ranches that allow pronghorn hunting via a trespass fee that would be awesome if you could share their names. Can message me if you want. Yes, I am looking into other ways and doing the work, not just trying to have people do it for me lol. Thanks, I appreciate it.
A lot of landowners are receptive especially if you're hunting does.
Curios if you have any PP ? Makes a real difference if you need access or not.
Call the regional office of the area you want to hunt

Some Wyoming G&F regional offices used to maintain "landowner lists", these were just a list of all landowners in the area, not just the landowners that allowed hunting. However, the offices eliminated those lists due to the controversy they caused, both from hunters and landowners.

Landowner information can usually be found on land ownership websites maintained by the counties in Wyoming.

I've got a list I can email to you...I've been calling for some property to take some lope does on myself.

Message me your email and I'll get it to you.
This is rgtenn, new member. myself, a friend and his wife are looking for trespass fee also, would be very appreciated for any info you have. email is [email protected], thanks ever to much if you send it to me.
I was on the WY website earlier and under the “public access” section they have landowner lists divided into region, I’ll try and find it again and post the link
New member here as well, looking for some info for a first time western hunt with a buddy for antelope. I have on PP but hoping to get a second license to keep accrueing points for a better unit. I bought a GoHunt membership and have OnX for research but after much reading getting discouraged about hunting pressure in units I will be able to hunt so looking into if paying a treaspass fee is an option. I found the Wyoming G&F list which I will use but looking for any additional lists or info someone would be willing to share through PM, email or otherwise.
New member here as well, looking for some info for a first time western hunt with a buddy for antelope. I have on PP but hoping to get a second license to keep accrueing points for a better unit. I bought a GoHunt membership and have OnX for research but after much reading getting discouraged about hunting pressure in units I will be able to hunt so looking into if paying a treaspass fee is an option. I found the Wyoming G&F list which I will use but looking for any additional lists or info someone would be willing to share through PM, email or otherwise.

The public land hunting pressure is extremely high if you can see it from the road. If you get out of your truck and hike over a ridge without a road on it you will get away from 98 percent of the hunters, even in the busiest units.
New member here as well, looking for some info for a first time western hunt with a buddy for antelope. I have on PP but hoping to get a second license to keep accrueing points for a better unit. I bought a GoHunt membership and have OnX for research but after much reading getting discouraged about hunting pressure in units I will be able to hunt so looking into if paying a treaspass fee is an option. I found the Wyoming G&F list which I will use but looking for any additional lists or info someone would be willing to share through PM, email or otherwise.
The antelope pressure really depends when you hunt. The first day and first week are probably the busiest. After that you may see other hunters on weekends but not a whole lot Monday thru Thursday.
Here you go. My hunting pard said we're not hunting this property anymore so he didn't care if I shared the number.
(307) 233-6943

Definitely more opportunity for trophy racks if you can hold off on shooting the first thing you see.

Man this right here is solid gold!!!! Thanks bud I'll try and hold out on "shooting" as long as I can
The public land hunting pressure is extremely high if you can see it from the road. If you get out of your truck and hike over a ridge without a road on it you will get away from 98 percent of the hunters, even in the busiest units.
I'm definitely not scared to put some miles on foot appreciate the advice. Not sure if this is the proper place but figured I would ask, as Im researching units I'm a little confused about road access. I've read alot about not all roads being legal and accessible for public use. I bought a delorme Atlas & Gazetteer for Wyoming and reviewed the county road map in the Wyoming G&F site. The Delorme seems to show more roads but wondering if they are all accessible. How can I be sure what road will be legal and accessible or not for public use?
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