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Looking for Local Colorado Archery Partner - 2023


Mar 13, 2019
This past season I hunted 1st rifle elk, I would've hunted archery but hunting solo I wasn't comfortable with overnight temps and risking meat loss in september. This, and the fact that I've realized I just dislike hunting alone, provide the reasoning for this post. I'm looking for a partner (or 2 or 3) for archery season 2023. This may seem unreasonably early to start the search, but I'm hoping if we start discussion now, we'll have time for a few "trial outings" going after small game / fishing to see if we want to commit to hunting partners for big game (as I'm all too familiar that a bad hunting partner can really spoil the whole experience). I figured I'd give a brief 'about me' and see if anyone would be interested in meeting up; if so, shoot me a message!

I'm 27, a grad student at Mines living in Golden. I'm typically drawn to hunting miserable locations - steep, thick, wilderness that won't have many people. I'm comfortable doing 8-10 miles a day with 2-3k feet of elevation gain, and fully equipped for backpacking in. I've got 2 points for elk and 2 for deer and wouldn't be opposed to spending them if we come up with a good plan, but I'm fine trying to pull something second option in the draw, doing leftovers, or even OTC archery. I'm also interested in partnering up for a rifle hunt if anyone reading this has a similar hunting style but doesn't archery hunt. Full disclosure - I have yet to harvest an elk, but every year I push harder than the last and I really think having another person scouting and strategizing will make the fifth year the charm. I grew up hunting though, so I'm not completely green.

I'd prefer to partner up with a local, which feels a bit crummy to say but I'm looking for a partner who will be able to join in / help out with scouting trips and also be available for "trial outings" as I mentioned above. Plus, I'll feel more comfortable heading into camp knowing you're not a serial killer :)
ive been killing chit since my teens, hope that doesnt make me a serial killer. but at some stage next yr id like to do a archery otc if i dont go to kazakhstan, keep me in mind if you dont mind an over qualified older hunter
This past season I hunted 1st rifle elk, I would've hunted archery but hunting solo I wasn't comfortable with overnight temps and risking meat loss in september. This, and the fact that I've realized I just dislike hunting alone, provide the reasoning for this post. I'm looking for a partner (or 2 or 3) for archery season 2023. This may seem unreasonably early to start the search, but I'm hoping if we start discussion now, we'll have time for a few "trial outings" going after small game / fishing to see if we want to commit to hunting partners for big game (as I'm all too familiar that a bad hunting partner can really spoil the whole experience). I figured I'd give a brief 'about me' and see if anyone would be interested in meeting up; if so, shoot me a message!

I'm 27, a grad student at Mines living in Golden. I'm typically drawn to hunting miserable locations - steep, thick, wilderness that won't have many people. I'm comfortable doing 8-10 miles a day with 2-3k feet of elevation gain, and fully equipped for backpacking in. I've got 2 points for elk and 2 for deer and wouldn't be opposed to spending them if we come up with a good plan, but I'm fine trying to pull something second option in the draw, doing leftovers, or even OTC archery. I'm also interested in partnering up for a rifle hunt if anyone reading this has a similar hunting style but doesn't archery hunt. Full disclosure - I have yet to harvest an elk, but every year I push harder than the last and I really think having another person scouting and strategizing will make the fifth year the charm. I grew up hunting though, so I'm not completely green.

I'd prefer to partner up with a local, which feels a bit crummy to say but I'm looking for a partner who will be able to join in / help out with scouting trips and also be available for "trial outings" as I mentioned above. Plus, I'll feel more comfortable heading into camp knowing you're not a serial killer :)
This will be my first year - i’m from South Carolina - 26 - if you are willing to partner up with a non-local lmk. Good shape but looking to learn the ropes
This past season I hunted 1st rifle elk, I would've hunted archery but hunting solo I wasn't comfortable with overnight temps and risking meat loss in september. This, and the fact that I've realized I just dislike hunting alone, provide the reasoning for this post. I'm looking for a partner (or 2 or 3) for archery season 2023. This may seem unreasonably early to start the search, but I'm hoping if we start discussion now, we'll have time for a few "trial outings" going after small game / fishing to see if we want to commit to hunting partners for big game (as I'm all too familiar that a bad hunting partner can really spoil the whole experience). I figured I'd give a brief 'about me' and see if anyone would be interested in meeting up; if so, shoot me a message!

I'm 27, a grad student at Mines living in Golden. I'm typically drawn to hunting miserable locations - steep, thick, wilderness that won't have many people. I'm comfortable doing 8-10 miles a day with 2-3k feet of elevation gain, and fully equipped for backpacking in. I've got 2 points for elk and 2 for deer and wouldn't be opposed to spending them if we come up with a good plan, but I'm fine trying to pull something second option in the draw, doing leftovers, or even OTC archery. I'm also interested in partnering up for a rifle hunt if anyone reading this has a similar hunting style but doesn't archery hunt. Full disclosure - I have yet to harvest an elk, but every year I push harder than the last and I really think having another person scouting and strategizing will make the fifth year the charm. I grew up hunting though, so I'm not completely green.

I'd prefer to partner up with a local, which feels a bit crummy to say but I'm looking for a partner who will be able to join in / help out with scouting trips and also be available for "trial outings" as I mentioned above. Plus, I'll feel more comfortable heading into camp knowing you're not a serial killer :)
Hey man. My partner for the last five years has decided he no longer wants to chase elk. He’s obviously sick lol. This has left me in a bit of a pickle: hunt solo this year or find new hunting pals.

I’m near DTC and would be interested in seeing if we are ‘a fit’. Realizing how different we all can be I know this might be a challenge. One thing I do like is you are a hell of a lot younger than me, and that is both good and bad. Good in that I'm sure you’ll run around like a goat in the hills and motivate me to do the same, but bad in that I may not be able to keep up in the steep stuff.

I’m not planning to archery hunt this year, but am certainly planning on Elk/Deer rifle. I’d be happy to bugle and spot for ya during archery season. Even help breakdown animals and pack out if we are lucky.

I have a pop up tent trailer and atv that I use to get as deep as possible. Also am equipped for multi day hunts in the backcountry.

We can go shoot some rabbits or snag some trout as a trial run.

PM me if you are interested.
Hey! Was directed to check this place out from Reddit and sort of looking for the same thing. Archery/hunting buddy! Located in lone tree, so maybe a half hour outside of golden.
Hey - We are super close to each other. See my reply to OP. I’m in my 40s and am interested in finding new hunting partners. My buddy I’ve been hunting with for five years decided to give up on big game. Don’t know if I want to hunt elk solo so maybe we can make something work.

PM me if you’re interested.
This past season I hunted 1st rifle elk, I would've hunted archery but hunting solo I wasn't comfortable with overnight temps and risking meat loss in september. This, and the fact that I've realized I just dislike hunting alone, provide the reasoning for this post. I'm looking for a partner (or 2 or 3) for archery season 2023. This may seem unreasonably early to start the search, but I'm hoping if we start discussion now, we'll have time for a few "trial outings" going after small game / fishing to see if we want to commit to hunting partners for big game (as I'm all too familiar that a bad hunting partner can really spoil the whole experience). I figured I'd give a brief 'about me' and see if anyone would be interested in meeting up; if so, shoot me a message!

I'm 27, a grad student at Mines living in Golden. I'm typically drawn to hunting miserable locations - steep, thick, wilderness that won't have many people. I'm comfortable doing 8-10 miles a day with 2-3k feet of elevation gain, and fully equipped for backpacking in. I've got 2 points for elk and 2 for deer and wouldn't be opposed to spending them if we come up with a good plan, but I'm fine trying to pull something second option in the draw, doing leftovers, or even OTC archery. I'm also interested in partnering up for a rifle hunt if anyone reading this has a similar hunting style but doesn't archery hunt. Full disclosure - I have yet to harvest an elk, but every year I push harder than the last and I really think having another person scouting and strategizing will make the fifth year the charm. I grew up hunting though, so I'm not completely green.

I'd prefer to partner up with a local, which feels a bit crummy to say but I'm looking for a partner who will be able to join in / help out with scouting trips and also be available for "trial outings" as I mentioned above. Plus, I'll feel more comfortable heading into camp knowing you're not a serial killer :)
If you haven't found a viable option, you're welcome to get in touch with me. Why? I suppose because I enjoy helping others, and one of my passions in life is using my Horse, Mules, and Burros for backcountry use packing. I retired to building my 49 acre ranch that's surrounded on 3 sides by public lands/Rio Grande National Forest. I know the areas around here pretty well after many years of tramping around in them. I'm 72, but can beat most entrants in a 22 mile Pack Burro Race annually in Leadville, Co.. (not your average old guy). I hunt Unit 80, and not sure at present whether I'll be hunting during muzzleloader or 2nd rifle this year? Depends on the leftover tag draw. Good luck
Hi! I live near Lakewood/Wheat ridge. I am also 27 and I am planning on doing archery this year. I usually go by myself but always open to find a new hunting buddy. Last year I got a cow elk (rifle though).

I work out quite a bit, practice 2-3 times a week at the highland ranch 3d course and scout/research a lot.

Shoot me a PM if you want to connect
Hi! I live near Lakewood/Wheat ridge. I am also 27 and I am planning on doing archery this year. I usually go by myself but always open to find a new hunting buddy. Last year I got a cow elk (rifle though).

I work out quite a bit, practice 2-3 times a week at the highland ranch 3d course and scout/research a lot.

Shoot me a PM if you want to connect
You might need a few more posts before anyone can contact you.
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