Hey Guys
I own a Cody World class glass a while i'm very pleased with it i hunt the same area alot and feel like i need a little different sound.I prefer glass over slate,any suggestions?
I just bought a glass call from Tim Fralick.(TPhunter)He makes a real nice call. I just got mine two weeks ago in the mail and it sounds real good. Mine is made out of a Walnut pot and Purpleheart striker. You can find him on Huntamerica's Turkey forum.
Gene Blackshire (Blacky) also makes calls. I have not heard one but, I will bet they are good. BbarC sells some of his products in his shop and says he makes a good product.
I would say either one of these two would make you a real good call. I have used a Cody II in the past and like them real well. If you are just looking for a different sound there is no need for a new call. Buy several different strickers. The harder the wood the higher pitched it will sound. There is all kinds of woods you can buy. I figure you are just like me though, gotta have a new call or two every year...
Droptine, you can check my calls out at the site listed below. I make a call that I call Triple Play that has Aluminum/late on top and Glass on the bottom. I also have a couple other combo calls that may interest you.