Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Looking for a bird knife


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2017
I’m looking for a knife like one of these. I like that it has a blade, hook, and choke tool. Any leads to a company that might still make one would be great!A96B81C6-D91D-4886-A41A-839B8B80788B.jpegEA207DF6-9297-4B28-9919-F29DD9E96719.png
1600524814978.pngThis is at Orvis: $89. Looks like the LLBean is sold out.
This is likely overkill, but looks like most of the bird knives other than the one I mentioned above are out of stock.

Got a Buck like those years ago as a present. Carried it a long time and lost it. Not once in all those years did I ever find a use for the gut hook! These days I simply grab a pocket knife and go.
Got a Buck like those years ago as a present. Carried it a long time and lost it. Not once in all those years did I ever find a use for the gut hook! These days I simply grab a pocket knife and go.
Agreed Don, been hunting birds for north of 50 years and fingers and a pocket knife have been a time tested method.
Waste of money IHO
I think they're great for field dressing birds during the hunt. Personally, I don't like that stink on my fingers the rest of the day.
I find that interesting. I could see it being a positive good thing. My thoughts are choke tubes don’t get changed out much and are usually stuck in if anything. I do shot extended chokes so I just give them a twist from time to time. I also hunt in cool enough temps that I’ll clean birds when I’m done and I usually use a havalon
Remington sells one like you are looking for. Just FYI I use two knives to clean birds a five inch folding fish filet knife by Buck and a four inch Rapala fish filet knife. These are great breasting out birds.
I hunt waterfowl and upland mostly Pheasants.
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