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Looking at a new antelope rifle...

Well.....after searching all over northern Michigan for a Howa 25/06 , I struck out. Legacy said 4-6 months most likely so Krista has a new 243. I found a 280 ai that really really wants to spend some time with me too.

That .243 will work out great for your lady-friend. My wife and I have shot a mountain of deer with ours. Its a great little cartridge.
I bought a Browning 6.5 CM, put my suppressor on it. Loaded up 120 grain Barnes. My 13 year old granddaughter used it on her first ever big game hunt. Dropped a buck and a doe at about 100 yards. One shot each and neither one took another step.
That .243 will work out great for your lady-friend. My wife and I have shot a mountain of deer with ours. Its a great little cartridge.
She has shot a fair amount of game , but has never been out west. She usually shoots an 18 inch 308 which I had to download a fair amount because of the short tube. While a fine close range gun , the long range ballistics are weak. Hence the 243.
You won’t regret the .280 AI.

The Weatherby Vangard is either a Howa 1500 made by Howa, or a Howa 1500 made my Weatherby under license from Howa. I’m sure some google-fu would turn up the correct answer, but either way, it’ll be a nice substitute for a Howa 1500 in 25-06.
I, and my kids, have shot a bunch of antelope with both cartridges (the 243 is a Savage and the 25.06 is a Marlin). I tend to like the 243 for young/new shooters, very gentle recoil and the gun is a tack driver, but so is the 25.06 - all handloads. Flip a coin. Or whichever you can get the best deal on :). Actually, I have been thinking about selling the 25...
Ruger American in 6mm Creedmoor. Superlight-good trigger and great ballistics for antelope. Plus save money for a good scope.
Ya'll need to stop talking about how capable the 25-06 is, I was looking for a deer/antelope gun and I had my heart set on a 257 wby but I might have to rethink that a little.
if you ever shoot the 25-06 you will fall in love with it I've had two one in a mod 70 and the rem 700 BDL. I still have the 700 and will never sell it. recently bought a Tikka T3X Lite 6.5cm in stainless and plastic, but 25-06 BDL is my baby. As for bullets it likes all I have tried but especially Hornady 117 gr. SST. It has bought down everything I have shot with it including mule deer. Oh yea, if your thinking about the .257 wby check out ammo cost.
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