Look What I Found Last Night


New member
Jan 12, 2004
Well since I haven't been seeing much for good Whitetails this year, I decided to concentrate my scouting on Muleys....both for bow season and for rifle season since my wife drew a tag this year. Well last night, while in some country usually known for Muleys, I came across this buck at last light......first sighting with binos, I couldn't see any of the goodies.......I just saw he was outside his ears and fairly high........then I threw the spotting scope out, and I about dropped a load right there......

Of course the images I got to see where much clearer....the photos turned out much fuzzier do to the lack of light. I couldn't even count all of the junk.......he appeared to be a main frame 5x5 with kickers off of his bases and G2s......oh yea, and the double drops....can't forget those.........needless to say, my entire hunting effort will be dedicated to this buck. I couldn't score permission on the land I spotted him, but I did land permission on the 2 sections that werew within 100 yards of where I saw him hump

Here is the best image I had.....I lightened it up a bit also for better viewing..

Best of luck 'rut!

But as everybody knows there are no deer like that in ND so you must have seen it in MT, right? ;)
get us some better pics......maybe with a lil blood in them!
good luck.
From what i got to see of him, he is all of a 160 class deer.......I'm guessing anywhere from 160-170.....

Here is a side view I had took of him....I didn't post it earlier, because it's a horrible shot, but I guess it does show his length somewhat, especially that he has good G4s as well....

LAst time I saw a picture liek that all dark and Blurry it was of a Nice rack too... ;) But not that nice !!!!! Good luck Amigo !
Good luck iir, it's not very many times in a life that one finds a frame like that sporting double droppers. It just stinks that it is such a long drive to the powder river, er....milk river, wait....saskatchewan to hunt that buck. :D
Oscar, I agree...it's always better to be staring at nice rack, even when they are blurry :D

Smalls, I got a treestand set up in a sweet spot, about 1/4 mile from where I spotted this big boy......I'm pretty sure i got a quick glimpse of him as he bedded on the neighbors (no hunting)........going out in about 10 minutes on another scouting trip......I'll keep you posted. ;)

Needless to say, I am pretty excited about the first pull of my trail cam that I had set up after this buck...........only one pic to start, and sorry for the clarity, but I had to lighten it up a bit. I'm now thinking that it may not be drops, but maybe his main beams turned down ?!?!? Hoping to get more pics soon to verify which it may be...........forgive the time stamp, for it is off, but from other pics I have, I came up with about 3:00am for this pic.......a little to early for a bowhunter, LOL.....but I am still tickled to just get a pic......

Yeh, Could very well be turned down beam, hard to tell??? If its drop T's they are way out towards the end of the beam which is odd?? Either way he's a good one, noticed the big g4 on his right beam, looks to be over 6" to me. I bought a new bow yesterday, a Bowtech Tribute, what do you think of those? She's pretty smooth on the draw. Hopefully I will post some pics of a buck I'm looking for I found the sheds off of last year, but have failed to find him yet. I better, I bought the new bow just for him!
Go get him 'rut! I want pictures I can see clearly, like with you holding the rack in broad daylight.
Bwana....here's the latest for you........got 8 pics of him on my latest pull, and good news for me was that they were all right at 8:30pm so he is close to shooting light.......now I just gotta wait for the right wind again........by the way, both are drops coming off near the end of his mains.......


Forgive the grainyness of the pic.....the flash on my cam is taking a crap and I had to lighten and crop the pic for better viewing........I've actually been thinking that the failing flash may actually end up helping me out, by not taking the chance of spooking him......
much bttr pic!
good luck inrut!
Thanks JB......

WestND, the Tribute is a heck of a bow.......I changed brands last year.....sold my Switchback and bought a McPherson Edge, and absolutely love it.....a real tack driver....
Another pic update......

Well I got a few more pics of him, but this one gave the best indication of what his left side looks like. Couple that with the one pic above showing his right side, and it leaves images of antler scores dancing in my head, LOL


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