PEAX Equipment

Longest Shot on a game animal

Longest shot was 412 yrds on a smallish Whitetail buck here in Michigan.. Open hay field with a solid bench rest out of an elevated blind.. It was a dead still morning.. I wouldn't take that shot today..

However I did shoot a wounded (Don't know who wounded her ) antelope doe in WY on a busy piece of BLM at 378yrds off of a set of shooting sticks a couple of years ago..
416 yards
WT doe in MT
Browning X-bolt 25-06
110 grain accubond handloads
I had never shot that gun beyond 100 yards (due to limited range access) but spent a ton of time shooting sub 0.5" groups at that distance.
3-12x40 minox scope
1 shot, dropped, spine shot but she was dead when I got up to her.
I'll never shoot that far again. I remember how small she looked even with the scope completely cranked. When you have to put the crosshairs above the animal I'm out.
My longest a Antelope in Montana at a little over 500 yds with a .264 Win Mag and Nosler 120gr BT reload it fell right down with a high chest shot. In Montana that year our group took 13 Antelope average shot was just under 300 yards for a average,measured with range finders.
My longest shot on a Coyote just under 400 yards running with a 6mm Rem and Hornady 75gr HP.
476 yards on a whitetail down a long lane. I was in a tripod stand with a board across the rails and a sandbag rest. He followed a doe out and stopped. 300 WBY Accumark, 180 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip. D7850D25-9F26-4BDE-8605-57CA0C20B5A1.jpeg
370 meters, 275 H & H, Leupold, 160 gr Woodleigh, Stone sheep

we flew in and set up camp, just a spike camp, as we did not intend to be there that long. 5 days later o_O.

Although it took forever to get in range of him, especially since I do not consider myself a long range shooter and 370 meters was approx 300 meters further than my normal shots with the 348, the hunting Gods guided my shot perfectly and he went down with the one shot.

I am watching this thread to see if anyone has used a 257 Weatherby as I have an opportunity to obtain one and am researching that caliber/rifle and the ability to obtain ammo for it
257 WBY is a death ray. Longest with it is 360 yards.
Longest shot I have ever done is about 500 yards in the Meeker Area in Colorado when I was hunting deer. I had a 300 Rem Ultra Mag then. It was a good long range rifle but I got a bruised shoulder every time I shot it. Now I shoot almost exclusively with a 30-06 and don't take long range shots anymore. After having to spend a couple hours tracking a wounded cow elk by Montrose, Colorado, I take only what I consider kill shots or I let it go. Most of my shots now are under 300 yards.
My longest on game, 405 yards on a cow. 30-06 ,165 AB's from sitting position. She dropped, then was trying to get up & a second round in neck finished her. I had 4 spikes between her & me, & thinning cover.
Last year I passed on a 427 yard shot on a bull off a tripod in close to the same spot at my place.
1st light. Feeding herd moving slowly.I worked my way down thru the sparse PJ's to set up. I was running out of cover,set up tripod to range bull.
I had a cow below me ,10 yards from me & she spotted me placing my rifle on the tripod & barked. I did not know about the 2 spikes & 4 cows with her either. Had another dozen nervous cows in the corner getting ready to cross the fence 200 yards away. The bull was clueless and I was solid...then the corner exploded with jumping, barking cows heading south.
The 2 guys walking in on them from public ground were upwind,walking into the area where the elk would clear a low hill and open ground. They never even got close to that nice 320ish bull.They were winded @ a quarter mile....

My closest was a Blacktail buck @ 14 yards with my 30-30.
100 yards is my longest shot so far. 7 mm rem mag, neck shot on a doe. Close to the truck too so it was nice to have a short drag for once, never had that happen before.

Someone's comment reminded me of this meme:
View attachment 150174

You are a brave girl! This could be in the thread, Longest shot, Shortest shot---or--an entirely different thread, but being the soft spoken christian lady that I am, I will say no more;)
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As an eastern woods hunter my shots are almost always well under 50 yards. However, my first big game animal, a large whitetail doe, was taken in a field at about 225 yards. I was using a .243; the same rifle I shot a groundhog with at over 400. It was '98 and I was 39; not getting into deer hunting until after retiring from the Air Force. Watched her for about 10 minutes trying to decide if I really wanted (emotionally ready) to kill an animal that size.
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Killed a pronghorn at 621 yds last season.
I have about a dozen 500+ yd one-shot kills on deer and antelope. Really not long range compared to some shooters. Extremely long for others, lol.
Antelope buck, last ranged at 340 yards. But he walking quartering away, never would stop. So held at the front of brisket and a little high, sqeezed the trigger. Bullet hit right behind shoulder. 7mag hornady eldx. Vortex viper hst lr 4x16.
140 yards whitetail. 20 guage ultra slug hunter in ohio . Dropped in its spot ..... sorry thats all i got 😁 but im honest
Hopefully that will change this year in Wyoming on my first ever out of state hunt
antelope at a little over 700 and my bull moose was bedded down at 680 both one shot kills. 30-378. I have been able to get 2 moose tags the other moose i shot was at about 150 and took 4 shots before he went down. I might not have had to keep shooting- They were all good shots I just though it was interesting that the longer range shot the bull just rolled over in his bed after first round.
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