
long range bow hunting

Nothing wrong with that nut, (defending him) I will never shoot at a WT farther than 40 myself in the woods. To be honest i never killed one past 20. Western hunting is a lot different. It is open country in a lot of places and longer shots are normal,
By the way it was a pass-through both shoulders and stuck in the dirt about 6" on the opposite side. I suggest doing that penetration test I mentioned above and comparing the 100 yards vs. 20 yards. The problem with long shots is the animal moving, or the shooter missing. Lots of variables there that can affect that. Some 20 yard shots are stupid to take, some 50 yard shots are cake if you have your ducks in a row.
That is a great picture Kurt!

Taking "longshots" is a personal decision. If a guy has put some thought into it, and is doing it because he believes its the right thing to do....then go for it. I konw too many guys that kill the chit out of deer and elk at 40-100 yards to say they are "slobs". Too far for me, but I"m not them.
Great photo. Just imagine how much better you'll be when you get a little bigger. ;)

Nice looking young man...Greeny Jr.?
To me a Long shot is when models and hot actress's think they can Get in my pants... GEEESH, I need to start getting restraining orders !!!!
Shit-stain? If you saw what I saw on the ground this weekend, you'd have shit-stains. Moosie said hot actress's, I'm assuming by models he means male models?
I agree that with proper equipment, conditions, and skill, long shots are up to the individual. But I'll also say that there are a lot of slobs out there who haven't the equipment, conditions, or skill who attempt shots beyond their abilities. But, then, that happens with rifles, too...I've seen rednecks empty their BAR's at deer standing hundreds of yards away. I've also seen myself miss a doe at less than 20 yards by taking a shot that I had no business taking. The key is to know your limitations, and for most people that generally means setting some upper yardarge limit. For many people it's hard to evaluate those extenuating circumstances objectively when the object of your desires is standing right in front of you.
dgibson For many people it's hard to evaluate those extenuating circumstances objectively when the object of your desires is standing right in front of you.[/QUOTE said:
dgibson your so right.. I think back 35 odd years ago to the first time the object of my desires was standing right in front of me...I shot prematurely and clean missed that doe. :D
So, was the doe looking at you? I'm betting no, that would be a bad condition for a long shot, with an arrow. Nice picture!

That is, how do you know if you're going to hit it? What conditions are important ones?

I had heard, like Nut, don't shoot, at least a whitetail, at 40 yards. 39 could be ok, but 40??? One time I had a nice 8 pt looking at me broadside at 40 yards. I drew the bow and he was still watching me. I thought, he's asking for it, so, I released. He ducked, he leaned forward, then he turned around and was about 1/2 yard completely out of his previous position when the arrow went by. If he just ducked, I would have got him.

Anyway, I didn't wound him, and I learned. How fast are those bows where you shoot 60-70-80 yards, what conditions make it work? Those skinny carbon arrows, get more penetration than fat aluminum arrows, even shot at 15 lbs more pull, I think, based on hay bale observation.
Greeny very nice. But it's funny to me everyone thinks that anything over 40 yards is a long shot. That's a chip shot as OSOK was saying.:) When I put stalks on deer my comfart range is anywhere from 40-50 yards. Any closer and I get worried about drawing back on the deer undetected.
Like's been said's a personal thing! But Nut Jr. you'd be hard pressed to hunt much in the West and have that kind of limitation. Its practice, practice, practice out here and having the right equipment to do the job. Most places (I hunt) don't afford you the <40 slam dunk and you'd better be able to skewer the vitals out to 55 consistantly if your gonna get much meat in the freezer hump

.....that being said, the ability to shoot a bow at longer distances and the ability to judge that distance in the field is where I see the most disconnect and where people need the most practice IMHO

Nice pic Greeny!

Awesome picture! That one beats any of those pictures of the raghorns with Cheet-o crumbs on their lips. If it was my kid, that 8x10 print would be hanging on the wall.

Congrats to you on finally being able to kill something with your bow this year... ;)

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