Caribou Gear

Long draw length and Bear species LD


Active member
Dec 18, 2020
Hi all-
Im in the process of buying my first bow. The local shop measured my draw length as a solid 32”. I’m not looking to drop $1k or more on a flagship bow. I read some good things about the Bear Species LD RTH on here, and that’s definitely more at my price point at $400.

Can anyone confirm that the draw length on that bow does go to 32”? Alternatively, anyone else have any bow ideas that won’t break the bank? Thanks.
Can the local shop set the bow up for you to try out? If they can't I'd be hesitant to buy it. Draw length adjustment is relatively simple on most new bows. I picked up a Mission (made by Matthew) bow a couple of years ago (when I decided to get back into bow hunting) at the same price. It doesn't have blinding speed, but is the smoothest drawing bow I tried out (out of about 6 or 7 different bows).
They can set it up, but don’t have it in stock. In fact, I’ve been to four shops and no one has anything of that draw length—that’s what drove me online.
I'm also a measured 32" draw. I currently shoot an elite pure (2011 vintage) at 31" w d-loop makes it well for me.

I'd bet elite will have some more current options for you that will go to at least 31".

I'd recommend sticking with a little bit longer axle to axle (ATA) length ( minimum 34-35") whatever brand you ultimately choose.

With that draw length its unfortunate but you likely won't be able to try much locally (I understand that frustration).

You'll get the most bang for your buck if you buy used, a lot of guys upgrade bows every 1-2 years and the drop in value of a brand new bow is often crazy. I've had success with the classifieds on archerytalk

Good luck, I'm sure you'll find something good, and bowhunting is a blast.
Thanks for the replies, everyone. I went into this looking for good shop recommendations and then trusting them to set me up. Went to Superior Archery in Billings, but he was pretty adamant that I was a 32” draw length and he had no bows to shoot.
I ended up measuring myself 3 times at home and each time came out to a 29.7” draw. So back to square one.
How tall are you? 32 is possible but not normal uses you are over 6 foot 4 or so

I am 6 foot 2 and my draw is just over 30,I've been measured for everything from 28 to 33 by "good" shops
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I’m 6’3”. At this point, I’m just hoping to find a shop that will help me shoot different bows to see if one “feels” hood.
Good to know mine isn’t a unique story.
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I have a 32” draw as well. I’m currently shooting a Mathews Z9 which is the long draw version of the Z7. It’s a few years old, but as you’re finding out, it’s hard to find long draw bows. I would look for used Mathews bows, if you don’t want to drop the cash for a new one. The Switchback LD was a great bow too.
If you're willing to get another opinion, take a drive over to Bozeman. Check out Big Sky Archery in Four Corners (just west of town) and spend some time there. One of the best archery shops I've ever been in. They should be able to get you sorted out and, they have several used bows there available to try. They also have a lot of contacts with the local bow hunting community and may know of someone looking to upgrade and just hasn't listed their bow yet. This shop carries Bowtech, Hoyt, PSE as their main lines. They work on all brands though and usually have a good selection of used bows hanging there.
FYI - PSE is known for their long-draw specific bow models. A lot of other manufacturers will have a single model or, will modify one of their standard models to fit a long-draw. Usually not the best method. Just a suggestion. I've owned 4 PSE's now but, have shot most of the other major brands each time I've bought a new bow. Always stuck with PSE in the end. For reference, I'm at 31.5" in DL.
I have a 31.5" draw and picked up a used Bowtech Insanity CPXL for less than $400. Great bow. Its adjustable out to 32".

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