I've heard of this and seen it online. My biggest concern would be getting it back without antlers being broken or simply in one piece. I know people do it so it must work out ok.
I'd assume it needs to be cleaned out too, which is another issue of being 2000 miles from home with no boiler/pressure washer. Or would wrapping it up in something suffice for the trip?
You pretty much have to check with the air line on this. Some allow intact antlers to be shipped, most do not. If its not a record book animal, simply split the skull plate, protect the points wrap up & ship. NO air carrier will accept antlers that do not have the points wrapped so they will not puncture other baggage/freight. NO carrier will accept a skull (plate) that isn't wrapped enough that nothing can leak out (on to other baggage). Usually a plastic wrap (contractor bag or something similar) and duct tape will get the job done. Make sure that no sharp edges will poke through the plastic enroute or you might find that the package was trashed (thrown away) by the baggage handlers.
If the air carrier won't take bare antlers, most can be boxed and shipped air freight, but be aware that this will get expensive, particularly for elk, caribou or moose antlers.
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