Livingstone/Zinke- MT Gov 2012???

Gerald Martin

Well-known member
Jul 3, 2009
So I get this political flyer in the mail the other day.... Never heard their names before. Anybody know who they are ???


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Livingstone is a Washington, D.C. transplant. Zinke is/was a MT state senator from Kalispell and former Navy Seal. I like Zinke but don't think much of Livingstone. Livingstone is running for the GOP nomination and Zinke for Lt. Gov.
I grew up with Zinke, he was a couple years ahead of me in school in Whitefish. He has lots of family still around the Flathead, all of whom I know are hunters and love the outdoors. He has always been a straight shooter and a pretty darn good guy. My guess is his political views on Wolves are based on his having been born and raised in the Flathead Valley and not on just trying to ride the controversy. I know nothing of Livingstone.
I brought this up because I've never heard of either of them before. Being as I am not much of a political guy myself, I wasn't sure why I'm getting a flyer from them. From some of the pictures inside the flyer that I've seen before on John Andre's, Shoshone Wilderness Adventures flyers, I was wondering if there is a connection there?

I figured you guys who are better connected might know more about them. I must say based on the flyer and nothing else, it strikes me that they are trying ride an anti- wolf hysteria into Helena. As quoted from their flyer. "
These are the candidates with the courage, and the convictions, to take back Montana's wildlife management. A 5-0 vote by Montana's F.W.P. to close wolf seasons despite a 25% harvest shortfall, is an unacceptable surrender to the Environmental Movement. We will fundamentally change the culture at Montana's Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks."
My first thought was I sure hope they aren't planning on working with SFW to fundamentally change the culture at FWP.
I'm approaching this as a non-politically active guy that considers myself to be very conservative in social issues and typically sympathetic to landowner and agriculture interests. I'm just thinking that if these guys truly are hunter friendly/conservation minded as they claim to be, they might want to realize that not everyone shares the values of SFW and the "kill every wolf and then we'll get our elk back" crowd.
I don't know if they are even connected with any of the people with SFW, but the language and style of the flyer instantly brought them to mind.

Has anyone else gotten the ad?
I brought this up because I've never heard of either of them before. Being as I am not much of a political guy myself, I wasn't sure why I'm getting a flyer from them. From some of the pictures inside the flyer that I've seen before on John Andre's, Shoshone Wilderness Adventures flyers, I was wondering if there is a connection there?

I figured you guys who are better connected might know more about them. I must say based on the flyer and nothing else, it strikes me that they are trying ride an anti- wolf hysteria into Helena. As quoted from their flyer. "
My first thought was I sure hope they aren't planning on working with SFW to fundamentally change the culture at FWP.
I'm approaching this as a non-politically active guy that considers myself to be very conservative in social issues and typically sympathetic to landowner and agriculture interests. I'm just thinking that if these guys truly are hunter friendly/conservation minded as they claim to be, they might want to realize that not everyone shares the values of SFW and the "kill every wolf and then we'll get our elk back" crowd.
I don't know if they are even connected with any of the people with SFW, but the language and style of the flyer instantly brought them to mind.

Has anyone else gotten the ad?

I've seen it, and yes, it smacks of Toby Bridges and Lobowatch. It's also political pandering at it's worst and it lacks any comprehensive knowledge of the issue, or what's really going on.

As far as SFW, the Vice President of the Republican party made it clear that the party is working with SFW and outfitters when I spoke to her two EQC meetings ago.

As for Livingstone and Zinke; I have a lot of respect for Senator Zinke. He is one of a few Republicans who put his state before his party, or used too. Last session he was not the moderate that he was in years past, especially on hunting and angling issues.

Livingstone, well. I guess I know who to call when I want to get a hooker in a foreign nation. . Livingstone also tried to negotiate on behalf of Qaddafi when he was under siege last year.

John Andre was tapped to be Bob Fanning's LT Governor pick after serial racist Chuck Baldwin dropped. So there's a connection to SFW right there.
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