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LIVE ... Up-to-date AK !!!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So, I'm up in King Salmon AK. I have daily Access to a Computer so I'm going to give day-day live updates with Picture uploads each night.

Today was a long day so I'm jsut going to Post a Picture of me catching up what's happening with the Real hunters....

Stay tuned for upto date pictures.... (Of me) :D :D

Hey Moosie!

I e-mailed you yesterday about the bears up there in KS...we were there for 10 days about a month ago...shoot me an e-mail if you need any ideas on where to find some big bears...we saw plenty of them...


[email protected]


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Ridge Runner .. thats a 32" widescreen monitor.. I'm guessing sitting 10' away I'd go blind !!! Hehe

Bugler, YAH, I got a Case. They didn't have the combo case so I got a nice double gun one...

Everyone else, Thanx for the Well Wishes.......

So.. DAY ONE !!!

Today started off good. After going to bed 10PM I figured I'd sleep in, we weren't doing anything crazy in the morning so Heck, why not sleep in.... That being said I lay in bed wide awake at 5:30 !!! I had time to Organize my SH-tuff...


7AM we went to the Millitary Mess hall and had a Great breakfast. Alot of HI OSCAR's (My dads Oscar Sr. and everyone knew I was coming.. Not only am I a legend in Cyberspace I'm a Legend in KING SALMON TOO !!!) .. OK, Enough lieing and I'll continue my story...

9AM the stores opened up for my license. (By stores ...I mean one of like 4 they have in this town) I picked up a Cheap bear tag.. *cough*$585*cough*... Then went over to F&G.


We filled out all the non-res paperwork and then went to another place for the AK duck stamp. We then had to go to another place for the Fed duck stamp. (I might get to shoot one I thought here...) Before long I had several places and miles under my belt. OHH but theres more, I needed a Native Alaskan permit to hunt "their" lands or something *smile* So that was another tag... Just incase we see a bear in "native land". He did tell us to kill every bear we see, I think they're easting his Moose !!!

Here's my tag's :


We venture back to the Military base were we ate some Lunch :


Jennifer serves the food and lemme tell ya, anyone that servs me food is a friend for life !!!! *smile*

.....PLACE I'm staying :


We then went to the "boat yard".

Dads' 4-wheeler and Mokai.


Dad's Boat :


Then it was time to hit the water. We launched the boat in the rain and headed upstream.

The View was GREAT !!! The wildlife was all over... Alot of what we saw were birds. Here is something to stand up and Salute for !!!!


We con't down the river. About the time that we are going to turn around we see some Fly fishermen doing there "THANG" :


The Silver Salmon have already headed up, spawned and Died. They are Floating down the river by the hundreds, Next year I might jsut have to head up here and catch me a Couple to save them the trip ...


We pulled over to the Bank and saw what bring the bears over to the river :


Even the Birds seemed to enjoy the fish that washed up close to shore :


Then we con't on our way looking for what we might find.

We came to an Area that my dad said bears sometimes come to and sure as chit stinks and Moosie's a stud, WAMO !!! Dad Spots a bear.

NOW, Although I'm going to post a Picture of it, I haven't decided what to do yet.. shoot ? don't shoot ? shoot ? don't shoot ... SHOOT ? Don't shoot.... OK, I'll stop, you get the jist (Or you're an IDIOT !!) .. hehehehe

Anyways, Here he was, 127 yards away :


As we watched him and switched from Camera to camcorder he shifted locations and tried to "hide" from us..... "HEY BEAR, I SEE YOU, Come out so I can take your Picture and Put a 300 Win MAg in your Chest......"


As you can see, he had alot of fish piled up and didn't want to leave very fast.


AHHHHHH, Heck, It's just Moosie, I've heard of him... Let me Scratch my EAR !!! (Actually he was Bowing to me..... People always do that when I walk by.... YAH, Wierd huh ? I know, It's a Curse I live with... That and Pissing people off *HAHA*


Heck, I swear I had a sandwhich for lunch and Not a BEAN burrito but The bear seemed to want to leave about the time I made some noise. I tell you it was the Cushion on the Seat but My dad says that Plastic doesn't make that sound.... So the Bear goes off for a bit :


We decide to go up a Side Creek and wonder if we shouldn't have passed on that bear......
.......We go up the side creek and come across another Eagle.


Some other "white flying thingies" :


And even a Mapgpie..... G-sus, I thought I left those ugly things back in Idaho !!!!


Speaking of Cool photo's (And what a Stud storoy teller and picture taker I am........ Check out this next picture. I think they were like me and my wife on an average night and jsut had a fight, they are turning their backs to one another :


Anyways.... After dinking around for 15-20 mins we decide to go back and check on my bear again, we slip up to the area it was at and ...yep, Still there, waiting to get shot, but he was in the "hiding" mode again :


We scooted a little closer to it to take one last look. It didn't seem to interested till I decided to Take a pee. I don't know why he has this "What the "F" is that" look on his face but I think I imbarased him .. hehe


MAN he looks cudly .....


Anyways... fill me in folks, DID I mess up not shooting it ? Weigh in on your thoughts. Wish me luck too... while you're doing chit I ask send me 1 MIrrrrion Dorrars in small unmarked bills to me Swiss ban account.. :)

OHHHH here I am, Looking Studly :


Anyways, logging off, I'll update you tomorrow night. Peace out, yo !!!
I can't believe you didn't shoot "winnie da pooh"---well it's good practice to hold out for something smaller----shoot it next time will ya---chris
I would leave it up the AK guys on here to judge that bear - anything bigger than my kids' teddy bears are HUGE in my book. Seems those are the only bears I ever see.

Looks like fun Moosie - you are just making me jealous.
I'm no expert but I'd say an 8' bear. That's a last day bear not a first day bear. You made a good decision passing on it. Not a bad hide though, and would look better on your wall than a ratty 10 footer.
Let them ears get a bit further a part then wackem. Beings I have never shot one I would of pulled the trigger on him though I think. Nice pics Moosie and a I bet it's a kick to be doing all that with Big Moosie. Enjoy the time bud.
Those ears look awlfully close together. If you have to ask, it is not a big bear. You will know him when you see him. Hope the weather is treating you nicely, doesn't look too bad. Any white sox there. They make mosquitos look as friendly as a butterfly. Got tore up by them lst week.

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