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Little Montana Bull on Cover of Eastmans

Nice bull.

I usually try to guess where people hunt by the background. I'd bet a million dollars you were hunting one of 2 places:

1) North Dakota border
2) Butte (w/i a mile, ill bet just a little to the right and i could see the Rocker titty bar)

Cant deny that chit.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-06-2002 15:10: Message edited by: RockyDog ]</font>
That left side has serious mass!
(great Perspective shot)
Got a story to go with the pics ?
You mean eastman didnt get your approval before printing....SHAME on them!
so what kinda lotion do you use?

and WW, I know what ya mean on the writing.
I bet he is an engineer or an accountant.
and me too, I pass up all kinds of bucks with my bow only to pile a nice one up every year with my rifle at like 15 to 25 yards....PISSES ME TOTALLY OFF!
Real nice classical bull :cool: just a lot bigger than most, good wack on the bear too
Great bear there FGH what did that skull score? Oh I just went back and looked at the photos and noticed there was an elk or something there as well...nice bull, you know, for an elk that is.
Right On WW. Im sure Cameron is cool and is definitely a good hard hunter, but his writing leaves a bit to be desired. And on the bad bowhunter issue, I wont even go there. If FGH or GH or anyone but me was in my shoes this Sept they'd be on the cover of Eastmans (oh yeah, FGH is).

Anyhow, I will never hunt county that brushy. SHit, that bulls nose is almost buried in brush as he lays there, how can you stand it?

Congrats again,

I dont get it.. What was the bull in the picture that greenhorn posted ? a different year or the same year but different state?
Greenhorn shot a different bull.. ANd the elk he posted of Fuggingoodhunter was an old one.. He wanted to make it seem like he shot that onethis year....

Although Burns hasn't grown up much, He was quite a bit younger in the first picture that Greeny posted... This bull is from this year... HOPE that helps !!!
FGH, Congrats that is a fricken huge bull. both with a bow huh.. Damn that is just pretty damn cool. your gonna run outta wall space soon! Congrats again!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moosie:
Greenhorn shot a different bull.. ANd the elk he posted of Fuggingoodhunter was an old one.. He wanted to make it seem like he shot that onethis year....

Although Burns hasn't grown up much, He was quite a bit younger in the first picture that Greeny posted... This bull is from this year... HOPE that helps !!!
Oh,... once again i was duped by greenhorns joking. never know when to take you guys for real. well actually i do know, never!!!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-08-2002 05:17: Message edited by: schmalts ]</font>
Just remember, I can be a 6' blond fremale on a forum, Believe only 5% of what ya read, and 2% of waht you see.... Words to live by my friend....

Regardles of the joking.. Both pictures of the bulls are nice and he should get a KUDOS for both..right ? Although then his little brain doesnn't know what to do wit hall that extra space in his head when it SWELLS up ;)
Just picked up the mag. Congrats, the article's great. The pic of FGH glassing the bull on the next ridge is classic!!! You guys did good.

Wonder how many other people have killed two bulls that gross 795pts combined? You certainly have very little if any company there!

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