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Lighed Nocks

I have always felt opposition to the use of lighted nocks is not only illogical but ignorant as well. The lighted nocks do not activate until they have left the control of the archer and their true function of making recovery of an animal the benefit they provide should be the goal of any governing body.

Any idea of a lighted nock promoting long range shots in my opinion is lunacy. if it is a goal to eliminate long shots then address that directly or and I am not suggesting this but it would make more sense to limit number of sight pins or sights that allow long shots. This too is lunacy but the whole reasoning to the opposition to lighted nocks seems to be that way.

No, its not being addressed either and in response to over-all increase in pressure by both archery and rifle hunters...elk hit the private land even quicker, leaving fewer and fewer elk on public.

However, its my contention that if elk were given a couple week break between Oct. 1-25th or so, they may start using public land again after being pushed onto private by archery hunters.

Seriously...6 weeks of archery elk hunting? Only a few days between rifle and archery? Then, after the 5 week rifle season, lets pound on them some more with shoulder seasons...that's the Spirit!

I have no idea why harboring is an issue...not a clue...

Snark aside, there's some good stuff in there Buzz. ;)