
Leupold VX-Freedom 3-9x40 Matte Duplex

Well, I have a new buyer for the scope sending a money order. That works. As far as PayPal goes I didn't realize you could use phone numbers. I've always used the email address. I'll look into this. I also would want to try sending a request for payment and start with $1 to make sure it works before sending the rest. I sold @Nick87 some socks recently and it worked then. No idea what happened here. I do hope @Redmt gets it straightened out on his end and mama doesn't knot his head too much!
I've always been leary when sending someone money that I'd have the wrong guy. Will definitely have seller send a request moving forward.
Hah! Send me your email address! I'm going to send you a request for $$$ .
Seriously though, I sent the $$ as a gift. If it was as a normal transaction it would have been covered by the PayPal protection policy. An effort to save 5 bucks cost me 175.00
I just looked it up. Yes you can use the phone number to send money! It just has to be verified by PayPal with the account holder's profile.
PayPal supposedly has a policy against transactions involving firearms related items. The Hammer Bullet company had a big issue with them. I used it once. Never again. mtmuley
That's why you put a code word in the description! Glass for scopes, poppers for ammo, etc. Apparently using gift creates other issues. I have not been charged a fee so far using PayPal so I don't have any experience with such. I have a feeling that this will make a lot of us do things a bit differently and use more precautions for any future sales.
No description needed or asked for when sending a "gift". In the future, it's going to be personal check or money order only. I've taken and sent a few personal checks here without an issue. I have RECEIVED PayPal without any problems. What do you figure the chances are of someone having the exact same spelling of a last name and also being on PayPal?
Good news update! I have an Internet/computer wizard and he did a search on the guys name crossed with his email address. It came back with 4 aliases AND names and emails of several relatives. I sent an email to all the addresses asking for my money to be returned. I just got notified from PayPal that it was refunded. What a pain in the butt.
Guess I should have held off relisting the scope. That was quick! Glad you got your money back. That makes 3 of us feel a lot better!
Guess I should have held off relisting the scope. That was quick! Glad you got your money back. That makes 3 of us feel a lot better!
No, I thought it was a good decision to put it back on the market. There was no telling if or when I might get my $$ . The refund is on the books but as of last night still pending. It could take another 2-3 days to transfer out of PayPal. I might receive money from others, but never going to use them to send money again.
Good news update! I have an Internet/computer wizard and he did a search on the guys name crossed with his email address. It came back with 4 aliases AND names and emails of several relatives. I sent an email to all the addresses asking for my money to be returned. I just got notified from PayPal that it was refunded. What a pain in the butt.
Would you believe that my bank finally released my $$ yesterday.
Here's what is interesting. PayPal accounts are designated by email address or mobile phone number. I typed in Dave's email exactly how he gave it yet PayPal sent it to another account of a guy with the same name. Completely different email address. Getting through to an intelligent human at PayPal has been impossible. So far but there's always tomorrow.
I had this exact same thing happen the other account never responded when contacted so I learned a lesson like you.
PayPal supposedly has a policy against transactions involving firearms related items. The Hammer Bullet company had a big issue with them. I used it once. Never again. mtmuley
Dumb question, how do they (PayPal) know it was a transaction involving firearms and ammo?
Caribou Gear

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