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Letterman and Palin

I think I will get back to what you first asked: If it is a political issue or not. Rather that just calling people bad names and beating my chest. Let's just look at the way we treat each other on Hunttalk. We all post pictures and talk highly of our children and we all know that to speak badly of a child referenced in a post is tabboo. We have seen it and called that person on the carpet for it. Now you are wanting to say that because she is in the political arena her kids can be victimized by people who don't know them and might just have more chit in their closet than she has. I think some and Letterman don't have "A CLUE" about what is decent anymore. Now bring it on, I have a Dutch oven also! John
I was a virgin until I got married.:D

@ Nut
Well said, Draftstud...thumbs up!

As for the whole hypocrisy angle. I don't see it as hypocrisy. Please direct me to any statements where Palin is slamming on teen mothers. She is for abstinence education and uses her daughter as an example. Just because someone preaches against a mistake that they themselves have made does not make you a hypocrite. For example, in my wilder days of youth, I indulged in a certain, green, leafy, illegal substance. Does that mean that I am not allowed to teach my children to stay away from drugs?? Does that make me a hypocrite?? I also had unprotected sex at a young age. Does that mean that I can't teach my son and daughter to be better than me?? If I was still smoking weed and galavanting around, than yes, that would make me a hypocrite. But people make mistakes in life, and my job, as a parent, is to try to help my children not make the same mistakes that I did. I am also not so naive to think that they aren't going to make quite a few on their own. Is President Obama a hypocrite when he signs legislation against smoking when he, himself used to smoke?? Is Dick Cheney a hypocrite when he is Republican, yet comes out for gay marriage because of his lesbian daughter??

Now, back to the original question. I think the kids should be off limits. I don't understand why Palin bringing her kids on the stump makes them fair game. Obama brought his kids, Clinton brought Chelsea, even GWB brought the twins along for appearances. Part of the problem is that this is somewhat new. Usually, Presidential/Vice Presidential candidates are fairly old and their children are grown, so it is not so much of an issue. I have to agree with Draftstud, though. To me, it doesn't matter if Palin/Obama/insert politician here puts their children in the spotlight. That doesn't make it right to slam on the kids. Have some decency.

To anyone that actually watched the clip, it is very obvious that he was talking about Willow(14) and not Bristol(18 and unwed mom). His excuse was lame, but he has since apologized, so I'm good with that.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Yes, I am from Alaska. Yes, I voted for Palin in the last gubernatorial election. Yes, I voted for McCain/Palin in 2008. No, I am not a Republican. No, I am not a fan of Palin and feel that she may not get reelected as governor, depending upon who runs against her.

I agree...but you know what...you or I personally are not telling others how they should do things.

Like it or not, if you're going to be telling people how they should behave, you better make sure you're behaving the same way. How did that abstinance program that Sarah Palin pushes work out?

Yeah, thats what I thought.

When you choose to enter the public arena you better expect to be held to a higher standard. Every single stumble you make will be criticized...goes with the territory.

Also, its pretty tough to call the Palin family victims when they jump in front of any and every camera they can...for any reason.

If they feel so victimized...deny interviews, stay out of the media. That just doesnt happen though does it?

Sorry, no sympathy from me, they seek out and thrive on the attention...so take your lumps along with the spotlight.
I was a virgin until I got married

You keep telling her that!

I like Palin, but don't agree with everything she says or does. I see people all the time preach morality, then have messed up kids, or personal lives.

My brothers an sister are all bible thumping right wing christians. All but one are divorced (becasue they were caught cheating) All of them have kids out of wedlock, grandkids out of wedlock, kids that are in rehab or have been in rehab. My sister has been arrested for embezzling funds. Most of them are on unemployment or welfare. But they bang that bible.

My kids waited until they were married before they lived with their wives. I ain saying there wasn't any hanky panky going on. Both boys were in their early 30's when they tied the knot, but at least they used protection. None of their wives were pregnant on the wedding day, They were both married over a year before grand kids were announced. Neither of them have college educations, but have always worked. My wife an I have been married for 37 years, and its our first marriage, our kids were conceived after we were married.
According to my family guess who is going to HELL!? Guess who is the weird ones? Yep, my wife, kids, and I.
Whiskers, That is the Crab in a bucket syndrome. You put one crab in a bucket and it crawls back out, put a bunch in a bucket and when that one crab tries to separate itself and crawl out the other crabs pull it back down to their level. People and Crabs in a bucket have alot in common! John
As for the whole hypocrisy angle. I don't see it as hypocrisy. Please direct me to any statements where Palin is slamming on teen mothers. She is for abstinence education and uses her daughter as an example. Just because someone preaches against a mistake that they themselves have made does not make you a hypocrite. ................


FULL DISCLOSURE: Yes, I am from Alaska. Yes, I voted for Palin in the last gubernatorial election. Yes, I voted for McCain/Palin in 2008. No, I am not a Republican. No, I am not a fan of Palin and feel that she may not get reelected as governor, depending upon who runs against her.


Palin is a hypocrite when she announces how proud she is of Bristol being knocked up instead of going to high school and commends Bristol and Levi, the hillbilillies from Wasilla, for CHOOSING to have the baby and not abort the baby.

And then, the slutty-flight attendant Governor gives an interview where she says she had to make the CHOICE to decide to carry Algebra to full-term despite knowing he was a Downs baby.

Why does Palin get to enjoy CHOICE for herself and her daughter but seek to eliminate CHOICE for the rest of America??? That seems like a hypocrite to me, and seems like you vote for hypocrites.

Palin is a hypocrite when she announces how proud she is of Bristol being knocked up instead of going to high school and commends Bristol and Levi, the hillbilillies from Wasilla, for CHOOSING to have the baby and not abort the baby.

And then, the slutty-flight attendant Governor gives an interview where she says she had to make the CHOICE to decide to carry Algebra to full-term despite knowing he was a Downs baby.

Why does Palin get to enjoy CHOICE for herself and her daughter but seek to eliminate CHOICE for the rest of America??? That seems like a hypocrite to me, and seems like you vote for hypocrites.
Of course she is proud of them for not aborting the baby. She is against abortion, so she is happy that they didn't make that choice. She is not happy that it IS a choice. I'm not sure if you can see the difference or not.

I also love how you refer to her as a "slutty-flight attendant Governor" and make fun of her child's name. I'm sure you would be thrilled if someone made those comments about your precious daughter. Come on, Jose, you know I like to debate with you because you force me to rethink things, on occasion. But statements like that are beneath you.

As for me voting for hypocrites, you need to read my whole statement. Yes I voted for Palin for Governor. However, at the time, she was a little known mayor from Wasilla. She was running against Tony Knowles, a former two-term governor. I enjoy voting for the new person in elections when all things are equal. What I had seen of her, at the time, combined with her being a realtive newcomer, pushed me over the top in voting for her. If I had it to do all over again, I probably would vote for her again. She is doing a decent job as governor. I'm not sure if Knowles would have done any better. That aside, if a more compelling candidate runs, I would certainly consider that person.

Now, onto the last Presidential election. Yes, I voted McCain/Palin. If I had it to do over again, I would have gone with my first, gut instinct and not voted at all. Unlike you, I can admit when I made a mistake. I think the national spotlight was a little too much for her. However, I also think she was handled poorly. Some of the statements that she made, you could tell were being force fed to her by McCain's handlers and made her look really bad. I still don't think that Obama is all that great either. To me, it came down to the lesser of two evils instead of who was better. Honestly, what pushed me over the top was the fact that I had a fairly positive view of Palin and have a distant relationship with John McCain (My father and he were in a Vietnam support group together before McCain became a Senator and I have met the man several times.)
Of course she is proud of them for not aborting the baby. She is against abortion, so she is happy that they didn't make that choice. She is not happy that it IS a choice. I'm not sure if you can see the difference or not.

I also love how you refer to her as a "slutty-flight attendant Governor" and make fun of her child's name. I'm sure you would be thrilled if someone made those comments about your precious daughter. Come on, Jose, you know I like to debate with you because you force me to rethink things, on occasion. But statements like that are beneath you.


As for me voting for hypocrites, you need to read my whole statement.


What part of the "American Dream" relies on the government eliminating all CHOICES from individuals except for the ONE choice the government approves???? By her OWN statements, the slutty-flight attendent Governor weighed HER CHOICES and considered what the right CHOICE was for her, and, possibly, for her 8th Grade Graduate Daughter's CHOICE.

I don't know what America you want that has the government eliminating individual choices from its' citizens.

And, if you don't think Palin is the world's biggest Media Whore, why is she now upset, and why are all her right-wing nut supporters now upset with Letterman when they did not have equal outrage with Conan O'Brien, Jay Leno, Seth Meyer (on SNL, which Palin later appeared on), and the likes?????

I think the slutty-flight attendant Governor is a hypocrite if she is upset with Letterman but gives NBC/Saturday Night Live/Seth Meyers a pass for something that is WAY more offensive with his joke about the Philadelphia Flyers hockey team getting into "Willow's Penalty Box"......

10) Last September, a skit on Saturday Night Live suggested incest in the Palin family. "What about the husband?" asked a mock Times reporter. "You know he's doing those daughters. I mean, come on. It's Alaska!" No outrage. Sarah Palin appeared on the show one month later in late October.

9) Days after the announcement of Bristol's pregnancy, Conan O'Brien joked, "It's true, John McCain's running mate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, has revealed that her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant. Palin said, 'We should never have introduced her to John Edwards.'" Where was the outrage? Was Conan promoting infidelity with an underage girl?

8 ) From two different Tonight Shows: "Governor Palin announced over the weekend that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. Oh, boy, you thought John Edwards was in trouble before, now he's really done it!" AND..."All the Republicans are heaping praise on Governor Palin. Fred Thompson said, as an actor, he could see them making a movie about Sarah Palin and her family. Didn't they already make that movie? I think it was called 'Knocked Up!'"--Jay Leno

7) Craig Ferguson's skit of "Larry King vs Levi Johnston" asks about "kinky sex" with the drapes open. Craig Ferguson's honorary Alaska citizenship, granted by Governor Palin wasn't rescinded.

6) "According to expense reports, Sarah Palin charged the state of Alaska over $21,000 for her children to travel with her on official business. In fairness to Gov. Palin, when she leaves them home alone they get pregnant." --Seth Meyers (SNL). Sarah Palin was in a sketch with Meyers a week earlier.

5) On October 8, 2008, Sarah Palin walked out on the ice with six year old Piper and 13 year old Willow, before the game, Conan O'Brien said, "Saturday night, Sarah Palin is going to drop the first puck at the Philadelphia Flyers' hockey game. Then Palin will spend the rest of the game trying to keep the hockey players out of her daughter's penalty box."
Oh, yes he did. You get the outrage...but not a peep then. According to the new "logic", O'Brien was advocating for some really sick stuff.

4) Rush Limbaugh: "Everyone knows the Clintons have a cat. Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is a White House dog?" Limbaugh put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton. At the time, Chelsea Clinton was 13 years old. Rush also said, "In last year's campaign, the most prominent, articulate voice for standard run-of-the-mill good old-fashioned American conservatism was Sarah Palin." Calling a young teenager a "dog" can't be helpful to her "self-esteem." Where is the apology from the leader of the GOP?

3) "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."--John McCain, Sarah Palin's running mate. Should McCain apologize to every young woman in America?

2) Palin's friend, political defender and informer of the David Letterman comments, John Ziegler, was fired from his radio show for using the "n-word" online and on air in 1997. In 2000, he was fired for spelling the "n-word" on the air. How much does that word affect the psychological health of America's youth, regardless of their race? Now he is pimping his film about how mean the "liberal media" was to Sarah Palin.

AND...The NUMBER 1 REASON Sarah Palin's Outrage is Misplaced and A Little Late...

1) The "candidate who must be obeyed" was talking about Palin's family when he said, "Kids are off limits." Jake Tapper of ABC News interviewed then Candidate Obama, and asked, "Governor Palin and her husband issued a statement today saying their 17-year-old daughter Bristol, who is unmarried, is five months pregnant. Do you have any reaction?"

OBAMA: "I have said before and I will repeat again, I think people's families are off-limits. And people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Governor Palin's performance as a governor or her potential performance as a vice president. And so I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know, my mother had me when she was 18. And, you know, how family deals with issues and -- and, you know, teenaged children, that shouldn't be the topic of -- of our politics."

The Palin children have been fodder for comedians since they were brought to the national stage. Incest isn't funny. Ugly kid jokes aren't funny. Many of the things said about public figures are just flat wrong. Being "knocked up" isn't much fun. Racist comments hurt all of us. I exhausted the top 10 list before I ran out of outrageous instances ignored by the Palins.

The National Organization for Women named David Letterman to their Hall of Shame. Will Letterman be joining Jay Leno? Conan O'Brien? Craig Ferguson? Seth Myers? Rush Limbaugh? Or John McCain? Of course not! I guess N.O.W. didn't bother checking Sarah Palin's "feminist" credentials. All across America, right wing radio and television talk show hosts feigned outrage in perfect synchronicity. The same people who back up Palin's high drama assertions against Letterman ignored the connections between Bill O'Reilly's irresponsible incitement and the murder of Dr. George Tiller. David Letterman, a late night entertainer, apologized. Fox New's Bill O'Reilly has not.

As a parent, I understand being defensive. I just wonder what took so long. Why now?
Per usual, you have changed the subject. In addition, you have also backed up what I said in the first place. All of those instances are horrible. Which just backs up the fact that when you make rude statements about Palin and her children, it makes you just as bad. So, just because other people have said nasty things about her and her children, that makes it OK???

I'm not going to argue with you about abortion on here. It is too touchy of a subject and I have complete confidence that I am not going to change your mind and you are not going to change mine. So what's the point?

I NEVER said that Palin wasn't a media hound. It is one of the things that I don't like about her. However, I totally agree with Obama and his statement:
President Barack Obama said:
OBAMA: "I have said before and I will repeat again, I think people's families are off-limits. And people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Governor Palin's performance as a governor or her potential performance as a vice president. And so I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know, my mother had me when she was 18. And, you know, how family deals with issues and -- and, you know, teenaged children, that shouldn't be the topic of -- of our politics."

Do you disagree with our President?

Oh....and Happy Father's Day!
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JoseCuervo-"I don't know what America you want that has the government eliminating individual choices from its' citizens."

"About time more people started discouraging the use of ATV's on My Public Lands!!!"

so, you want the individual people that use ATV's on public land to be stopped.

" Nuke the Politics/Opinions as that is where most of the racist crap is posted. It was originally started so CJ could have a place to post all his "I hate Mexicans" rants, then evolved into an area where TLC posts all his "I hate Black people" rants, and then Moosie turned it into his "I hate gay marriages" rants"

so you want to stop individuals from posting things you don't like.

and lets not forget the famous gun bans you have wanted. yep, nothing like wanting the govt to stop individual choices unless they are what you want.

and lets not forget some of the basics that have come along lately. having to wear a seatbelt by order of the govt. no individual choice there. and how about banning smoking in public places. yep, another individual choice there. all taken away by the govt. how much bitching did you do when this happened Jose? after all, you don't want the govt taking away individual choices. unless you're a hypocrite. or unless its all about what YOU want banned or stopped.
JoseCuervo-"I don't know what America you want that has the government eliminating individual choices from its' citizens."

"About time more people started discouraging the use of ATV's on My Public Lands!!!"

so, you want the individual people that use ATV's on public land to be stopped.

" Nuke the Politics/Opinions as that is where most of the racist crap is posted. It was originally started so CJ could have a place to post all his "I hate Mexicans" rants, then evolved into an area where TLC posts all his "I hate Black people" rants, and then Moosie turned it into his "I hate gay marriages" rants"

so you want to stop individuals from posting things you don't like.

and lets not forget the famous gun bans you have wanted. yep, nothing like wanting the govt to stop individual choices unless they are what you want.

and lets not forget some of the basics that have come along lately. having to wear a seatbelt by order of the govt. no individual choice there. and how about banning smoking in public places. yep, another individual choice there. all taken away by the govt. how much bitching did you do when this happened Jose? after all, you don't want the govt taking away individual choices. unless you're a hypocrite. or unless its all about what YOU want banned or stopped.

Jab Cross , and down he goes!

Nice try but you're way off...way off.

Lets look at the abortion issue...Sarah Palin definately wants to take that choice away...not even provide a decent solution as evidenced by the abstinence queens own daughter ending up knocked up at 17.

Pretty thin arguement comparing that to ATVers abusing public lands. The ATVers have a choice, they have 380,000 miles of recognized roads to ATV on. Conservatively another hundred thousand miles of ATV only trails. The anti-atv crowd is willing to concede and give that to the ATV crowd. Palin is not willing to provide clinics that conduct abortions or let people decide for themselves. She wants an all-out ban and federal regulations to stop ALL abortions. No ifs/and/or buts about it.

Your other examples are also equally lame. Not wearing a seatbelt and public smoking puts others at risk. Emergency personell that are called to roll-over accidents when people are not wearing seatbelts put those peoples lives at risk...everyday. Insurance rates are through the roof because people wont wear seat belts and require extended hospital stays, etc. Same with second hand smoke, I shouldnt have to put my own health at risk because some douche-bag has to light up a cig. in a public place. Their rights end where and when they start interfering with mine.

Nothing hypocritical about that, not even the slightest bit.

Some woman having an abortion does not effect my health, and in all likelyhood is a cost savings to me as I wont have to support their welfare kids for the next 78 years. Economically, it makes sense for any taxpayer to fully support abortion. I couldnt give a shit less about anyones spiritual/religious views of abortion...thats between you and your god. It should not be between you and your government...period.
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Buzz, nice to see you coming to Joses' rescue. but if you read what Jose said, all those examples, whether you think so or not, are perfect examples of Joses' hypocricy. really don't care if you like them either. he was the one that said to Guppie, not Gusseppie, "I don't know what America you want that has the government eliminating individual choices from its' citizens." but yet, he said everything that I posted. hell, they are all direct quotes from him. so obviously, he doesn't have a problem with the govt eliminating CERTAIN things that are to his liking. thats being a hypocrite.

now, if banning smoking in public places is NOT banning an individual choice then what the hell is it? they(govt)are telling an individual what they can and cannot do. WTF??? and it gets even better if you look at business owners. the govt, again, comes and tells them they cannot have smoking in their private business.(bars, taverns, restaurants, cigar bars) again, WTF??? and what about Jose wanting some guns banned? and if that happens, then the govt is once again making a choice for an individual. seat belts. again, why does the govt feel it necessary to tell individuals what they HAVE to do in their PRIVATE vehicles? they have taken away your individual choice as to whether or not to wear that seat belt. if you don't see the similarities, there is definately something not working in your head. drinking puts other people at risk. so what. isn't that an individual choice? to drink. and what does the safety thing have to do with the govt telling people what they can and can't do?

"It should not be between you and your government...period." Buzz, not going to ask you to post anything from me saying anything different. you can't do it because I have never said anything like that. as anti-govt as I am, I agree with that part of your post.
Buzz, have to ask. how does me not wearing a seatbelt put you, or anybody else, at risk? and what risk what that be?

would ask about the smoking, but thats a no win debate. for everything that can be posted that says its bad, others say its not. so not going to go there.

"Insurance rates are through the roof because people wont wear seat belts and require extended hospital stays, etc." - how much did your insurance go DOWN after they passed the law requiring seatbelts be worn. don't have to be to the penny. round numbers will work. mine did NOT go down. maybe I'm being cheated by the insurance company?

Same with second hand smoke, I shouldnt have to put my own health at risk because some douche-bag has to light up a cig. in a public place. Their rights end where and when they start interfering with mine. - really? what makes YOUR rights more important than a smokers? second hand smoke does not cause cancer. period. end of story. smoking does not cause cancer. how many smokers do you know that do NOT have cancer? how many people do you know that have never smoked, that have cancer? I've known people who never smoked, never around smoking, that got cancer.(age of 7) know people that lived with smokers for years(50+)that never got cancer.(passed at age 97)
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