Letter from Senator Mike Crapo on Selling My Public Lands

Zach, ask Sen. Guthrie how Idaho is going to financially support public land without selling land. U of Idaho study says it could cost Idaho up to $110 million a year. What happens in a big fire year? The Pioneer Fire cost just short of $100 million to fight. Furthermore, Rep. Moyle is proposing a $50 million tax cut.

Idaho is a poor state. It can't afford to manage the increase in public lands.

He does address that issue in the last paragraph of his letter, specifically noting that fires alone would make it nearly impossible to financially support public land in Idaho. I should mention that Sen. Guthrie is a state senator and not in DC. He does note that he is against any transfer situation where the state would have to sell the land, which to your point is impossible. It seems to me that while he is led by his affiliation (R), he maybe listens to the citizens, and has somewhat of a brain in realizing that there is no way to keep transferred land public. Here's that last paragraph again; maybe this should be forwarded to the reps in DC.

"In a practical sense I do not believe the state could ever take over all federal lands in Idaho. The sheer nature of that management task would be overwhelming and ultimately the state would be tempted to sell lands off for financial reasons, if nothing else. We could not afford the management costs, with fires being the single biggest example. That said I think we do have an opportunity to pressure the federal government to be more reasonable with their regulatory approach. I also believe we could do some pilot projects where the feds would allow the state to take a more active management role in some cases.

All that said I would reiterate that I would not support any land transfer situation that would result in the state selling off the land.

Another well written political response. Depending on what a person wants to hear it could be interpreted that way. He leaves the door open to a transfer to the state as long as they "promise" not to sell it later on. Given Idaho's track record of having already sold 41 percent of their state land I would not put much stock in that promise. Direct him towards fixing the real management issue not the non-existent ownership issue of our public land.
I think what he essentially says in that last paragraph is that he is willing to gamble your public land in order to leverage the federal government into allowing more state control. This is why he is okay with defunding the forest service and BLM destroying our public lands. The Idaho state Congress is currently acting as an instigator between ranching, logging, mining and Recreation and the "FEDS".
I'll fully admit that I'm only 27, and very green on contacting elected officials, speaking up about issues, etc... so sometimes I don't always catch certain wording! This fourm, Randy's show, and my new son have got the bug in me to be more active in preserving land/hunting & fishing privileges so I can hopefully watch my son and his children enjoy the outdoors.
Elkmagnet, I re-read that and caught that "pressuring" language, thank you for pointing that out.

The thing about those kinds of comments he sent regarding pressuring the Feds...why does it always have to be pressure applied to drop some regulatory requirement?

Its never about working WITH the agencies, always trying to pressure them to bend to the will of the politicians. Its always about the States having to comply with some bureaucrat in D.C.

Its all a bunch of bullshit. I've asked many a legislator to give me specific examples of the dreaded "government over-reach", or specifically how the Land Management agencies have ignored them. I have yet to get a specific on either...always a bunch of political double-talk.

This isn't hard to figure out, they all say the same thing...gubbermit over-reach, D.C. Bureaucrats are making the decisions...blah blah blah. Its all talking point and no substance.

I can work on fixing real problems, I cant do anything about a fabricated talking point.
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I'll fully admit that I'm only 27, and very green on contacting elected officials, speaking up about issues, etc... so sometimes I don't always catch certain wording! This fourm, Randy's show, and my new son have got the bug in me to be more active in preserving land/hunting & fishing privileges so I can hopefully watch my son and his children enjoy the outdoors.

We are all in the same boat just different levels.
You are doing more than most you should be proud to be engaging in issues and seeking info. Form your opinion and fight for what you believe is in your best interest.
We are all in the same boat just different levels.
You are doing more than most you should be proud to be engaging in issues and seeking info. Form your opinion and fight for what you believe is in your best interest.

Cant agree more...taking the first step is the toughest and most important.

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