Kenetrek Boots

Lets unite!


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2009
Its that time of the year again and I hate daylight savings time! Can we please reach across the aisle and end this time change debacle once and for all? Fixing this issue is the lowest of hanging fruit!

I think daylight savings time was specifically invented to save turkeys lives. Who wants to get up at 4:30 am? Just my .02
Its that time of the year again and I hate daylight savings time! Can we please reach across the aisle and end this time change debacle once and for all? Fixing this issue is the lowest of hanging fruit!

I think daylight savings time was specifically invented to save turkeys lives. Who wants to get up at 4:30 am? Just my .02
Split the difference of the 30 minutes and leave it alone. It sucks.
I think splitting the difference is probably the best call but I don’t really care either way, just leave it alone. The days get longer in summer, shorter in winter without our help…
I hate it! Get up off your lazy back side! Or go to bed earlier!. Those that want it don't work on farms or outside that much. It makes my day twice as long!
I’m not afraid to say I’m a fan of daylight savings time and the way daylight and standard time are currently split. With “permanent” daylight savings time it wouldn’t get daylight in the winter until 8:30am or so, and that sucks. If you dislike standard time you should get a remote job where the main office is one time zone west…problem solved.

For the life of me, I still can’t figure out why some people get so worked up about it… the change happens when you’re asleep (or still up drinking 🤷) and takes less effort to adapt than the effort it takes to bitch about it.
The time change doesn’t bother me at all. If you had to pick one, it would obviously be the regular time and not daylight savings time. Getting dark earlier in the winter is awesome.
Just pick one and stay there. I prefer daylight savings time but as a farmers son I know it was better in the winter because he would be done in the field earlier based off daylight and could do more with after school events because of that.
Standard time.
I get up early anyway to watch the sunrise.
There is a thing called lights now.
Stop drinking thru colbert and you too can work...
Meh...I don't care either way. If we pick one and stick with it or just keep changing the clocks twice a year. Everytime we "spring forward" you hear people complaining about losing an hour of sleep. Why don't we hear people complaining about getting an extra hour of sleep when the clock changes back? :unsure: