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Let’s talk about the 243win

As a guy who despises recoil and muzzle blast (need to think about a suppressor), the .243 is intriguing. I'm a big fan of the .25-06 for just a little more oomph without much more recoil. But, it is a long action and really needs a 24" barrel to develop velocity. A .243 is a short action and is useful with a shorter barrel which is very nice. I may have to look into it...
O you load a 20” 243win with a 55gr BT and max load of H4350 you get some fireballing. Recoil is mild. Mines a tikka so still a long action.
I burned the barrel out of my first big game rifle which was chambered in 243. I later rebarreled it in 260 rem. I will buy another one some day. I much prefer the 243 over the 260 on deer size game. I always shot 85gr Sierra HPBT or 87gr Vmax. Absolutely devastating on deer, antelope and varmints.
I grew up believing the .243Win was the quintessential beginner rifle for whitetails. I’ve had one for 10-12 years that I bought when my brother was in high school so he could deer hunt. He used it to good measure for a good many years before he decided he’d rather have something of his own. I still haven’t shot anything with it but it’s back in my safe. We came up with a pretty great load for it with an 85gr TSX and my wife has used it for a couple deer and an antelope. Some day I’ll use it for something, but there’s always something else I grab. It will never leave the family.
I grew up believing the .243Win was the quintessential beginner rifle for whitetails. I’ve had one for 10-12 years that I bought when my brother was in high school so he could deer hunt. He used it to good measure for a good many years before he decided he’d rather have something of his own. I still haven’t shot anything with it but it’s back in my safe. We came up with a pretty great load for it with an 85gr TSX and my wife has used it for a couple deer and an antelope. Some day I’ll use it for something, but there’s always something else I grab. It will never leave the family.
May I ask what you load is? I like coppers and that’s one of the contenders I’d like to use.
May I ask what you load is? I like coppers and that’s one of the contenders I’d like to use.
Off memory: Federal case, Winchester primer, warm charge of IMR4064 with the 85gr TSX. Shot super good at max powder charge until I changed lot numbers a few years back. Started blowing primers out. Back it down a fair bit to not be an idiot and it mellowed out but groups opened up. If I were to do it all over again, I’d use the 80gr TTSX. Never lost a deer yet with the TSX but it doesn’t always start bleeding until about 20 yards into trailing a dead deer. I’m too invested into this load at this point and the rifle doesn’t get used enough right now to do a new load work-up.
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May I ask what you load is? I like coppers and that’s one of the contenders I’d like to use.
I load 85 grain TSX for my wife’s 243. Winchester primer and RL 19 powder. Shoots great in her rifle. 3 deer with it and didn’t have to blood trail any of them. Like Jbotto I’ve thought of changing but I don’t have a reason to.
Just sent the payment in on a Ruger #1 in 6mm Remington. Already had a #1 in 243 so I have lots of powder and bullets to play with. Now I need to order brass and dies.
With today’s new 6mms shooting heavy bullets is the 243win even relevant?

I think it is but it’s not talked about anymore it seems.

Recently picked up two tikka compacts in 243win for dirt cheap. Pulling the barrel on one and the other went to my wife. I have to say impressed with this rifle and cartridge.

I’ve got the 95gr partition load to 3150fps and the 55gr BTs going 3750fps out of a 20” barrel. It should put a hurting in deer and yotes.

Now to move on to monos.

What’s your thoughts?
Somewhat embarrassing to say, but my 243 gave me my first and, so far, only big game animal, a speed goat.
With today’s new 6mms shooting heavy bullets is the 243win even relevant?

I think it is but it’s not talked about anymore it seems.

Recently picked up two tikka compacts in 243win for dirt cheap. Pulling the barrel on one and the other went to my wife. I have to say impressed with this rifle and cartridge.

I’ve got the 95gr partition load to 3150fps and the 55gr BTs going 3750fps out of a 20” barrel. It should put a hurting in deer and yotes.

Now to move on to monos.

What’s your thoughts?
How are you still liking the Tikka Compact? I'm contemplating buying one, but I wish it had a stainless barrel.