Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Lets play a game...


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2019
Are you getting red in the face or finger fatigue from some of the current threads on here? Has the long winter and seemingly constant bad news for NR hunters gotten you down in the dumps? Let's lighten things back up around here and do something fun. Spring is knocking on the door, and that means it's time to get back outside and enjoy the gifts we're given!
Let's play a little game. A lot of us on here spend the coming months shed hunting, hiking, scouting, taking pictures, and dreaming of where our next hunt might be this fall. Since we all love point systems, I've made a list of "goals/accomplishments/objectives" with a point value associated with it. Please feel free to add to the list and we can make this thing up as we go. It's obviously meant to be fun. Keep track of your own points and at a later date I'll award the highest point earner a bag of my home roasted coffee beans!

- Brown shed: 20 pts
- White shed: 10 pts
- "Most liked shed": 50 pts
- Smallest shed: 50 pts
- Obeying shed hunting rules/regs: 100 pts
- Finding a shed hanging from a tree (Randy?): 100 pts
- Hike to a mountain peak: 10 pt per 1000' (sorry flat-landers)
- Take your family hiking: 20 pts
- Pack out trash from your local hills: 100 pts per bag
- Pick up mylar balloon: 20 pts
- Introduce someone to the outdoors: 100 pts
- "Most liked" photo: 50 pts
- Raffle winner: -100 pts
- Whoever solves point creep: 1000 pts
- Please add to the list here.....

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