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Let Them Roam - A Bison Yarn

Not sure what was more impressive - the photo quality (every one looked like a Charlie Russell painting) or your perseverance throughout that hunt. Amazing hunt and a somehow more amazing write up. Thanks for sharing.
What an epic adventure and write up! It will be hard to ever top that UT bison hunt experience. Just out of curiosity, have you figured out what knocked the TACO out of commission?
Best guess was a bad EFI fuse, but we switched that fuse in the trouble shooting, so not sure if there was a bad fuse and something else that caused it, or what. Transmission was a filter issue. Cheap fixes, expensive tow, and the truck rides again!

The tow (the whole experience and the costs) are a bummer. The way everyone responded was awesome to know. An epic tale and an inspiration for others. Thanks for sharing. 👍👏
Words won't suffice- Thank you for sharing along the way and with such great imagery and prose to give it justice!
Think I would have rather slept under that truck than in the front seat

it's a theme i've noticed on his hunts. i don't know how he just goes to sleep in the places he does.

i think sleeping poorly is my number one achilles heel while hunting. i can barely sleep in a bed anymore let alone a tent or the front seat of a truck built for little people.
it's a theme i've noticed on his hunts. i don't know how he just goes to sleep in the places he does.

i think sleeping poorly is my number one achilles heel while hunting. i can barely sleep in a bed anymore let alone a tent or the front seat of a truck built for little people.
It’s amazing the places I can fall asleep. I just don’t know why a guy would willingly I seriously would have thrown my pad under the truck and slept there if I was doing it multiple nights. I find it incredibly impressive to sleep like that willingly for multiple nights
It’s amazing the places I can fall asleep. I just don’t know why a guy would willingly I seriously would have thrown my pad under the truck and slept there if I was doing it multiple nights. I find it incredibly impressive to sleep like that willingly for multiple nights

really anything about people falling asleep anywhere is impressive to me.

the concept of sleeping through the night is horrifically foreign to me.
Welcome to fatherhood.

oh this has been my issue for about 10 years.

fatherhood has ironically helped me sleep much better lol

i'm convinced it's largely due to my addictive personality and intense nicotine use throughout college and up until the last couple years. i think my brain is just chemically #@)(*%* anymore.
Tremendous adventure, excellent story, congratulations! Enjoy the spoils of your hard work.
Thank you for taking the time to write this up and share it with us. My hope is that one day everyone will get a chance to hunt them on a regular basis. Unleash the bison!
Great photos and write up of an amazing hunt, wow, just wow! Bummer about the truck break down but you will remember all of this hunt for the rest of your life, priceless! The brisket and steak look mouthwatering good!

Thanks for sharing