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Leopard with hounds and Lion hunts 2001


New member
Dec 15, 2000
Aksai, Kazakhstan via Covington Louisiana
I got a call from Jin Lapla, a Taxidermist / outfitter friend in Calgery this morning. He just returned back from Africa after joining his group of 14 hunters he had booked with Sandhurst safari's.
Besides the ton of Plains game, his hunters also took 5 leopards, 4 with hounds, 3 huge 600 pound lions that were well mained, and a few lioness. One of the PH's got a nice arm chewing from a lioness and tore him up real bad.
Anyway for you who may be interested,
Jim Will be going back to Hunt in 2001 from May through July and told me the costs.

Leopard with hounds $6000, Lioness $6500 and male lions $16,500. These include the day rates and if you want to include plains game, I think it is for trophy fee's only. these are also guarenteed hunts.

They hunt some remote regions and have produced some record book trophies. the best thing about hunting hith them during Jim's stay is he takes care of all the trophy export and will not only do the taxidermy work at prices that are as good as any in North America, but will deliver them upon completion to any of the lower 48 without charge!
He done my bears, wolf, caribou and pike and delivered them 14 months later to my house in Georgia.
If interested in Big cat or other hunts give him a call at
tell him mark In Bangkok Told you about this and that he will cut you a deal on the hunts and mounts !
What country is this in? 600 pound male lines with thick full manes are "one in a million" today, were these actual wild free roaming lions? A very big full grown male lion will be hard to reach 500 pounds in most countries. 600 pounders are bigger then the average grizzly bear in the USA!jj

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 30 June 2001 07:34: Message edited by: JJHACK ]</font>
Could not tell ya, just posted what Jim told me in a call that lasted about 20 minutes.

I left his number and I know he hunts and books for sandhurst safari if that tells ya anything?
Ask him and see what he has to say. I am interested in the leopard with hounds. but not next year.

I spoke with a Sandhurst rep at the Dallas Safari Club show this year regarding their hunts. God, they have some beautiful lions(I don't doubt 600lbs) and the prices of their hunts are very good. However, here is the kicker-these lions are not free range, but rather raised for hunting (to be hunted) or relocated problem lions and released into a hunting area sometime prior to the actual hunt. They also have a breeding program producing white lions, which were beautiful as well. The hunting areas these lions were to be released in was said to be large, over 60,000 acres I believe, but still a release type hunt. I am certain these lions could be more dangerous than free range lions as they are habituated to human contact so this would add an element of danger to the hunt. All in all though, this was not my idea of a lion hunt I would want to do myself, but can't be too critical if someone else decided to do so. As the hunt sounded well run and conducted in a fair manner within the restrictions present. I guess I'm saying they just didn't kick some drugged cat out of a trailer and let the sport blast it, but rather made as much of a hunt out of it as is possible in RSA.

The fellow I spoke with from Sandhurst was very pleasant and I enjoyed visiting with him. The package he offered to me for a plains game hunt was the best I have seen as to lodging for me and my family, trophy fees and species and activities in addition to hunting.

They do also offer hound hunts for leopard and lynx which I would be interested in doing rather than a bait hunt and shooting the cat at night.

I hope this information is helpful.

Thanks for the information. Jim did not tell me these details. I personally would not want to hunt a lion this way! I guess this accounts for the outfitter getting his arm chewed up and the guarenteed hunt?

I also want to do the leopard with hounds ever since I read that artical written about Wade Lemon taking his hounds over to Africa to sell to an outfitter.
The way his story read, the way this outfitter hunts leopard was running a free range leopard. I will have to look back to find out who this outfitter was. I think those hunts were $7500 and no guarentee.
I used to be partners in a booking outfit called WorldHunt, until I sold out to my partner. You are right sandhurst has some good prices, but there are many out there who offer better.
Then again you got to look at the quality of a hunt. Regardless, If I just wanted to shoot a lion this way, I could buy one in North America from the game breeders and pop it! The true can hunt, which I am against
Not that I am against high wire hunts fair chase hunts on land that offer a decent spoting chance! I have does that before in Michigan for deer and New zealand for Red Stag.
However my idea of a real lion hunt is one like PH. Mark Sullivan or the former Peter Capstick would do. I have saw Mark's video's and man he puts on a great hunt.
Thanks for the information on sandhurst. And does anyone know how to contact Mark Sullivan or another creditable PH that does free range lion and cape buffs?


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 30 June 2001 21:33: Message edited by: Thumper ]</font>
Hey thumper I believe that Riaan has hunts for Cape Buffalo and also cats but not positive for sure,you should try to get in touch with him.My cousin has gone 2 times and has had good results with Riaan.I think that he just left to go on a hunt so he will be a few days.Matt my cousin is also going next summer I believe.I have met Riaan and he is a wonderful person.Hope this helps you out.
Hound hunting leopard

Wade Lemon's hounds are currently hunting in Zimbabwe. There are now two packs of hounds hunting. One with Tristan Peacock and the other with Theo Bronkhorst. Both pack have been very successful. It seem's that the hound hunting in Zimbabwe is there to stay.

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