So I’ve got a .308 Ruger American. Good little rifle, treats me well. Many like it, this one is mine, etc. Currently causing me to question my shooting skills and sanity.
Went to the range, shot at 100 yards. Sitting, rest but no sled. Flyers happened on 2nd shot of each group (guessing I flinched).
Shot two rounds at group 1, then three at group 2. Two more at 1, one more at 2. Kept the same ammo at each target.
Should have been 1.5” high at that range. Group one was pretty well on for windage, but low. Group 2 was WAY right, but correct elevation.
I understand different elevation between different ammo, but the left/right impact shift has me very concerned. Can changing ammo really affect the windage that much?
Did I screw something up when I cleaned it last? Should I try other ammo? Does this matter? Should I practice with cheap stuff until season, then re-sight for hunting ammo? That last one just feels wrong.
I’ll take any help I can get on this.
Group 1- federal premium with 168gr SMK. One flyer high. I usually practice with it since it’s cheaper.

Group 2- Barnes Vortex 168gr TTSX. One flyer low. Hunting ammo, has done very well for me.

Went to the range, shot at 100 yards. Sitting, rest but no sled. Flyers happened on 2nd shot of each group (guessing I flinched).
Shot two rounds at group 1, then three at group 2. Two more at 1, one more at 2. Kept the same ammo at each target.
Should have been 1.5” high at that range. Group one was pretty well on for windage, but low. Group 2 was WAY right, but correct elevation.
I understand different elevation between different ammo, but the left/right impact shift has me very concerned. Can changing ammo really affect the windage that much?
Did I screw something up when I cleaned it last? Should I try other ammo? Does this matter? Should I practice with cheap stuff until season, then re-sight for hunting ammo? That last one just feels wrong.
I’ll take any help I can get on this.
Group 1- federal premium with 168gr SMK. One flyer high. I usually practice with it since it’s cheaper.

Group 2- Barnes Vortex 168gr TTSX. One flyer low. Hunting ammo, has done very well for me.