Left over Montana elk combos go on sale......

Cuz it includes everything u need to be legal to hunt . And it includes fishing and upland game and state land fee so you can hunt state lands and the hunting access enhancement fee. It's a one stop shop . And you can hunt elk state wide except in the special permit zones but even in some of them you can shoot a cow on the gen tag
and it's only $800 and some change.

Gone is my OTC backup deer tag, but it was fun while it lasted. They'll hike prices again and it'll be back in play in a few years.
so a combo only lets you get an elk???seems questionable to call it a combo??could confuse some out of staters if they don't fully understand what they are getting?
It is simple, there are three different combo licenses:
Elk combo,$858, "Includes a Conservation, State Lands, Base Hunting and General Elk license and authorizes fishing and hunting of upland game birds, excluding turkey."
Deer combo, $602-"Includes a Conservation, Base Hunting, State Lands and General Deer license and authorizes fishing and hunting of upland game birds, excluding turkey."
General Big Game combo, $1010-Includes a Conservation, Base Hunting, State Lands, General Elk license and General Deer license and authorizes fishing and hunting of upland game birds, excluding turkey.

You can buy bonus point for any combo license for $50.
For a non-resident the $1001 + $50 elk deer combo, + $200 for Antelope can be looked at another way. Divide the $1250/3 animals - that's around $400/per. At that price MT is extremely competitive with other states. This is especially true when you consider that odds are very high to drawing. Even antelope tags are pretty good odds for Non-Residents in certain areas.
Yup that's how u choose to look at it $1,000 for a deer and elk tag , $500 each , that's no different than colorado or Wyoming
To you guys interested , NR leftover elk combos go on sale two weeks from today on a first come first served basis . Haven't seen the # but I got this official info off fwp site . So for those turned away from the gen deer and big game combos maybe this is a option good luck

Can some one explain to me why if they are going to have NR surplus licenses for sale in a few weeks. Why did some people not draw the NR big game combo license?
Can some one explain to me why if they are going to have NR surplus licenses for sale in a few weeks. Why did some people not draw the NR big game combo license?

Because the deer only combo, elk only combo and big game combo (deer and elk) are all considered separate licenses in the draw. You must specify which one you want when you apply. Deer combos and the big game combo sold out and some did not draw. Elk only combo has a surplus and will go on sale in two weeks.

I think, and I could be wrong about this but isn't the alternate list for those tags that are still being returned by successful license holders? Elk combos will be sold first come first serve and the alternates list will receive turned in licenses as they come in. Could be deer combo, could be big game combo, whichever you had applied for in the draw. Am I understanding that correctly?
Yup that's how u choose to look at it $1,000 for a deer and elk tag , $500 each , that's no different than colorado or Wyoming

8andcounting, I like your enthusiasm about Montana hunting. I used to think the same way as yourself. No chance anyone could ever change my opinion of the state and what I thought was the best hunting on the planet. Until I tried hunting the two other states you mentioned. Have you ever hunted deer or elk in CO or WY?
Because the deer only combo, elk only combo and big game combo (deer and elk) are all considered separate licenses in the draw. You must specify which one you want when you apply. Deer combos and the big game combo sold out and some did not draw. Elk only combo has a surplus and will go on sale in two weeks.

I think, and I could be wrong about this but isn't the alternate list for those tags that are still being returned by successful license holders? Elk combos will be sold first come first serve and the alternates list will receive turned in licenses as they come in. Could be deer combo, could be big game combo, whichever you had applied for in the draw. Am I understanding that correctly?

What will happen is when NR get the deer and elk combo, and do not draw their LE elk choice many will opt to turn back the Elk portion of the Combo for a partial refund. That frees up general elk tags for the leftover and alternate list. So guys get a second shot at some elk only general tags, And the guys who turned in the elk portion end up with a pricey deer tag since they only get a portion of what the elk tag costs when they purchased it. But it works out for both I guess.
8andcounting, I like your enthusiasm about Montana hunting. I used to think the same way as yourself. No chance anyone could ever change my opinion of the state and what I thought was the best hunting on the planet. Until I tried hunting the two other states you mentioned. Have you ever hunted deer or elk in CO or WY?

Yes , hunted for several years by meeker 2nd season otc . Did ok , but I like montana better for several reasons
Looks that way . Only thing it says anything about leftovers is the elk combo .

I am still confused as why my NR party of three was turned down for the ELK combo LIC. Then they were put back in the drawing and we received 2 out of the 3. One was not taken apparently due to the wrong mark on the return section of their lic. Now theres leftovers. I was told Elk combos were sold out this year.