Learning 2 Hunt Podcast


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2014
Hey everybody, I haven't made many posts lately as I've been working hard on a new project. Randy has graciously allowed me to announce right here that I have a brand new podcast coming out March 15th called "Learning 2 Hunt". While there are very some very good hunting podcasts available (Hunttalk Radio, Elk Talk, Meateater, Wired to Hunt, ect) that dive really deep into various hunting topics, there seems to be a bit of a void for brand new hunters. With hunter numbers declining, I figured I would take the plunge and help change those numbers anyway I can. Give it a listen next month and visit learning2hunt.com for the schedule, show notes, ect. and any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Looking forward to it. I have a few college friends who have expressed interest in learning but haven't had the time to get out with me. I'll point them to your podcast and hope it's what pushes them over the hump to commit to going out in the woods!
Good luck with your endeavor. Will this be pretty exclusively whitetail/eastern game hunting, or are you going to dive into stuff out west, etc?
Good luck with your endeavor. Will this be pretty exclusively whitetail/eastern game hunting, or are you going to dive into stuff out west, etc?

Certainly not exclusive to any species or region. I'd love to dive into stuff out west but I can't imagine anyone starting with goat, sheep, or moose so unfortunately I won't discuss them much. But if the demand is there, I will adjust accordingly.
I'm in. I listen to probably 15 or so hours a week of podcasts. Will be nice to hear some one new and take things back to the basics
I like this idea a lot, Kenton. My students all know how much I love to hunt, and many are pretty curious about hunting. But unless they have grown up in it, they don't even have the language to ask me questions about it. If it'll be appropriate for 14 year-olds, I'll send them to the podcast.
Definitely going to be kid friendly and I'm going to post definitions of any "hunting language" words that get used in the show notes on the website. I find it hard to explain them all as I talk so hopefully this will help.
Well, the "Ides of March" is upon us and this is the date I set to launch the Learning 2 Hunt podcast. Despite some technical difficulties (im not a tech guy), I made the deadline and the podcast is now up and running. Episode #1 is out today and Episode #2 will be out tomorrow. You can listen to it on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and on learning2hunt.com. If you get a chance to listen to it, please let me know what you think because I truly value the opinions from this forum. Thanks.
What would you get if you crossed Blue Oyster Cult with hunting equipment?

… "Don't Fear the Gear"

This just so happens to be the title of episode 3 of the Learning 2 Hunt Podcast available now on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and on learning2hunt.com. In this episode I talk about the gear needed to start hunting (basic gear) and how to save money doing it. Let me know what you think.
I finally listened to a couple episodes while doing chores the other night. I really admire what you're doing Kenton. I can tell how much you genuinely like helping people. I've suggested the Podcast to a couple students who are interested in hunting, and both said they'd check it out. We'll see if they do or not. 14 year olds generally aren't big podcast listeners.
Thanks so much, I think Im getting better at it each episode.
A little late getting this new episode out because my guest was sick the week we planned on recording it. Anyway here is the write-up I did, I figure some would get a kick out of it.

Whether its wild game or domestic meat, we all know how to savor a steak, but do you know how to savor a mistake. On episode 4 of the Learning 2 Hunt Podcast, host Kenton Garwood and guest Aaron Leimeister share a bunch of hard-earned hunting mistakes and the savory lesson to be gained. Find out how to use your underwear as a rain gauge, when to not drop your pants in the woods, and how to handle a UFO crash while hunting. This episode is available now on iTunes, Sticher, Google Play and at www.learning2hunt.com.
Hey everyone, I guess I forgot to post about the June episode. Anyway, the July episode is available now and discusses what game animals see and hear. That means were talking camouflage, decoys, and calling (with demonstrations). For any beginner hunters out there, this is a good one to try out.

Last week I went down to southern Ohio to help some friends do work on their hunting property. I convinced them to take a break from working and talk to me about how they find time to go hunting, balancing family time and field time, along with some tips and tricks for getting kids started in hunting. Its a short podcast episode but has a lot of good info. learning2hunt.com
Hey Guys and Gals, I just released a new episode and its a good one. I had a very accomplished local taxidermist in the studio and we talked about all the things an inexperienced hunter needs to know about taxidermy and I think there are a few tidbits of info that even seasoned hunters may not have thought about. I know I learned a thing or two. I you get a chance to give it a listen, let me know what you think, thanks. learning2hunt
Seems interesting! As a new hunter it's something that I would definitely appreciate. Will definitely check this out. Thanks!
Im a little late getting my December episode published but it is hunting season after all and sacrifices must be made. Before our deer hunting season started, I did an episode with my hunting "mentee" and the young man he is mentoring. Well wouldn't you know it, they both got bucks this year. I had them back on the podcast and they share all the ups and downs they had this season.

Zack's 1st Buck

Jim's Biggest Buck
Jim 2019.JPG

I also made a video of all the trail camera pictures and videos of Zack's buck I had and went through some of the things that can be learned from using trail cameras. It's a lot more than just what critters are out there. Enjoy!
Kenetrek Boots

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