How long does it take to drive from A-town to Whittier? Mapquest shows about 2 hours for a 50 mile that right? Looking at Whittier as an option to hunt blackies.
You can be in portage in 40 min. from there you need to go through the tunnel. I believe they allow vehicle traffic on the hour. the tunnel is shared with train. Through the tunnel is probably another 30min. Its been a few years since I've been through the tunnel.
Planning on a bear hunt out of whittier I see. good choice.
2 hours is kinda strecthing it, if you can hit the tunnel right. otherwise your gonna wait.
Yah, kicking around some ideas...Whittier is one. Also thinking about flying over to Cordova and flying out of there for a few days. My wife and kids fly in on the 16th, and we are going to Seward with some friends on the 19 -21, therefore I only have 6 days to do my thing, either before they get there or after...or both. I really wanted to head back over to the peninsula this year for brownies.
she hasnt heard to many big bears coming off knight isl. decent halibut fishing. right away she knew where the island was though. All through PWS comes alot of nice bears
Well, atleast PWS is a big area to choose from. Hey I hear there are some big bears on hitchenbrook . The old myth is getting, well, old. we need a new one.
Nah, I dont need another bear. I get more a kick seeing other people get one. I got a decent 6' er(well, a tad bigger) that I'm more than happy with.
Last year we seen some monsters, hopefully well see the same bears. differance is this year we will be doing a full 2 weeks. last year was just for a couple days and when we had to leave they were starting to come out.
Last year my dad shot at a bear. that thing tumbled ass over tea kettle down the hill. we waited a while and went to see if we could find it. we found were he broke alders going down the hill (rolling) and then there was nothing. we ended up looking for a day and ahalf with no luck. kinda disappointing. We didnt find any blood or hair so I think my dad just scared the crap out of him.
oh well, theres always this year. It was his first time pulling the trigger on a big game animal. this year he's gonna get his.
You're hunting over in 20E, right? Gonna cull some of those grizz?
Might have to dig up the contact for the Whittier rentals. Problem with Rich rentals is we are gonna have a rental car most likely, plus I won't have time to do their boat safety course. Good idea though. You still thinking about hitting up the Deshka in May?
Right now were kinda arguing. Some of us want to set up a wall tent further up the taylor to go after griz and others want to stay in the cabin and go for blackies.
Once again this year were gonna be at the cabin for blackies, but maybe next spring.
Deshka or Alexander, depending on where the kings are.
I was thinking about running my boat into Blackstone for bears too. Of course the weather has to cooperate. I'm undecided--at this point. Plus, a bud in Valdez bought a trawler this fall and wants me to hunt Gravina with him but we have overlapping schedules so somebody has to reschedule a week of work.