Kenetrek Boots

Late Season Private Land Trophy Deer Hunt


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2019
It’s 12:02, that means today is a day I have been looking forward to since last January. The knife is ready to roll! I am packed up and ready to roll! My hunting buddy and I will be shooting for a goal of 6am departure which should having us pull up at sunrise.

She normally sleeps till around 9 or ten so this will be an early day. She said she wanted to hunt the morning and asked how early she responded with, whatever gives us the best chance to get a deer. I think I ran the time by her a half dozen times and she didn’t back down. Last year we hunted in -3 temps and most of her hunt was spent in the truck warming up. We have improved gear and enough warmers to cook a steak. Looking at single digit to teen temps in the morning.

We should be good to go and get there right after sunrise. The deer should be up moving on the river bottom and the plan will be to bounce over the edge of an elevated ridge that runs a slew filled flat. Cattails and all the goods to hide some deer.

We will shoot the first doe we see, white tail or muley.

What…. Not every guys trophy is a set of antlers. It’s all about the experience and time with my daughter. Like the antelope I will only take a perfect set up shot with lots of time and able to walk her through it. Hopefully she can be right by my side this time.

And really hoping for an improvement in the shooting category from the antelope hunt and no untimely sneezes!63977ADF-642E-46AB-A223-69CBA72680EC.jpeg
My 7 yo hunting buddy from our antelope hunt a few weeks ago.
Stay warm and enjoy your time with your daughter... best of luck!!
It’s up to about 20 degrees now and we but in about 2.5 hours. Very few tracks and no deer spotted. Will have to give the other side of the river a shot in the afternoon. The warm clothes, boots, and hand warmers held up though!

Saw lots of birds, geese, ducks, bald eagles, and a rabbit but no deer.
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It’s up to about 20 degrees now and we but in about 2.5 hours. Very few tracks and no deer spotted. Will have to give the other side of the river a shot in the afternoon. The warm clothes, boots, and hand warmers held up though!

Saw lots of birds, geese, ducks, bald eagles, and a rabbit but no deer.
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As a bonus I got to enjoy a concert this morning with a variety of songs while we sat and glassed from the different view points
She is out cold in the back seat and we are headed home after a great day. Spent almost 6 hours out there today and it never got above 30. The wind got real cold around 3pm.

We sat a tree stand for a couple hours and then covered a good portion of the property. I think I maybe saw two deer tracks and neither were under a day old. Snow storm Tuesday days they just aren’t in the area right now.

There are very few if any times I have been out there this time a year and not seen a deer. Something felt off but that’s hunting!

She did amazing and we had a great time. If we can get out again before the end of the season on the 31st I’ll keep you posted.


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