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Late season Montana Elk

Thanks Pagosa I appreciate it! A big one was the plan for this hunt but now my focus has shifted to filling the freezer. Both take lots of luck for me so thanks!
The south end of 315 is done for the season. Cant get up cottonwood or rock creek with out a sled. Was working on a cabin up cottonwood two weeks ago and our tool trailer couldnt make it out. We finally were able to plow in and get it. Not sure how shields loop is looking but i'd imagine itd be similar. This warm might change things, but id doubt it
First off thanks everyone for the intel it is much appreciated! We weren’t able to reach the cabin but didn’t let that stop us from having a great hunt. Started the hunt with my old college friend taking a small mule deer buck the first morning near Glendive. Then after crossing the state and seeing more deer then I could imagine we arrived at the Crazzies to have to tuck the tail between our legs and turn around only a few miles from our forest service cabin. Oh well on to plan B. Next morning was as good as it gets! Started the morning following what I thought was a huge bull elk track. Only to sneak up on a young bull moose. We decided to head another direction and within a mile or so stopped because we were hearing movement up ahead of us. We sneak forward and catch a glimpse of a herd of elk heading straight up. We decide to follow and within about 1000 feet my friend hits the snow and tells me to go without him he can’t make it any further. I decide to take him up on the offer and after about 15 minutes hear 2 shots. I ended up tracking them for about 3 hours catching glimpses here and there. Finally I decide I better turn around because it was snowing and following my tracks was my only plan for getting back. On the way back I bump a buck laying with 3 does. He stops about 200 yards out and looks back at me from behind a tree. I had already dropped my pack, loaded the 30-06 and delivered 180 grains between his eyes as he looked back at me. I was extremely excited as this was my first mule deer buck(I attached a picture before typing this) As I was packing the deer out I started to hear some noise as I looked around I spot my hunting partner with a nearly processed elk! He said three of them almost walked over him while he laid on the ground catching his breath! We packed both animals out and had them at the processor before it closed that night. Next morning my friend was in no shape to hunt so I hit the mountain by myself. At about 9:30 am I filled my tag with a spike bull in the same drainage! Not bad for our first time hunting in Montana only problem is we are out of tags. I am so thankful for such a great experience and would recommend getting out and hunting elk while you can!

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