Caribou Gear

Last nights big one


New member
Jan 10, 2001
Grand Lake Stream ME USA

385# shot with a 300 win.mag. By a Mississippy lowyer.


I am 6' tall and the bear's feet are on the ground

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 29 August 2001 11:18: Message edited by: Tobey ]</font>
Thanks for the pics Tobey.That is a beauty!! That southern fellas got a pretty good smile going there dont he?I'm online at work right now.2 1/2 more days to go for me. I showed these pics to a couple girls in the office here.they said they didnt know which one they would be more afraid of,the black one on the right or the scruffy looking one on the left!!!LOL I told them with the age on the two of them standing there now the one on the left probably couldnt hurt them !!! Good luck and put up more pics.
Thats a humcorker Dale!Ya couldnt get the smile off his face with a wirebrush.I definitly agree with George,the scruffy old boar on the left looks more menacing.LOL LOL j/k Dale
tobey's getting 'em already!!! RIGHT ON!! keep those pictures come'n, i would be going till spring so i'll just have to just "bask" in your glory!!...or something lie that!! :D

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 29 August 2001 19:40: Message edited by: californiacoyotes ]</font>
Heya Tobey,
Congrats.....nice bear. Keep fillin them guys up so you can afford some gas to come out west this winter with Gatoman and me :D :D Cya around
That is a beautiful bear, and big!!!.I imagine that was a lot of fun getting him out of the woods.I shot one about 200lbs down by Sebec Lake and it was hell trying to drag him to the point we could hook onto it with a winch off the 4 wheeler.I hope he fell close to a trail for you. :D:D
