Large Ranch Road Access. Who to ask?

I've gotten numbers by going the county assessor website to find the parcel, then if it's an LLC you go to the secretary of states website and search business under that name. Typically they list an address and registered agent on those docs.

From there I try to get an address and phone number of that person which is easier.

That said I've always been told "hell no"... one property was actually owned by a friend of a friend and still got the same response... and yes just to trespass to public land.

If it was me I'd have a number in my head that I was willing to pay before I started making calls... and if it was below like $5k I'm not sure if I would bother.

But hey maybe I was just unlucky 🤷‍♂️
Rent a chopper, there's plenty of those flying around there looking for the gov tag ram. Or..... call the world renowned breaks ram hunter himself John Lewton. He's got no problem crossing private and accessing the best stuff. He'll tell you exactly how it's gonna go with the whacker road. A couple years ago people were getting into that country through the ranch I'm not sure if they've changed it back.

There's other places to look for rams up there.....

Only the ram knows though.
You could do what I did and track down the landowner and verify that it was not ok to drive on their property. They thanked me for asking but assured me that NOBODY had permission to be on their roads. Then I went miles out of my way to stay legal.

Just do what I witnessed every resident do that was hunting in the same unit and Drive them without a care in the world.
What does this mean, exactly?

"Just to clean this up a bit....100% privately controlled open BLM roads. No doubt about that fact." LOL that cleaned up nothing for me at least. To my knowledge and experience of a few decades hunting out west there is no such critter as a "100% privately controlled open BLM roads"

So, what are these unquestionable facts? Is the road a public road? You seem to say it is a "...BLM Road". If it is why would it be "privately controlled" and by what authority is it? Is it instead a PRIVATELY owned and maintained road for which BLM? holds an easement or access agreement for the benefit of the general public tp reach public lands at the far end of the private ground? Can you more fully describe the relevant facts?

Is it a public BLM road or is it a private road?

Original question: "Any of you guys have any pointers for finding out who actually decides on access for huge ranches?"

1, I would almost never ask the private landholders to conclusively tell me if a road through their property is one I am, as a member of the public, seeking to drive to access public lands past that private land. As other noted talk to Public land agencies AND County govts, and Wildlife departments.

2, The agency or the private entity or record responsible for or owning the right of way is the one who decides who can travel on a given road.

3, As for how to find the person representing a ranch that you want to discuss access for roads with, that is gonna vary by the ranch, so no easy answer other than digging for info and calling or visiting the ranch...unless you wish to state which ranch it is in which case someone may have the details for that ranch?

By chance are the roads in question the

"680 Ervin Ridge and Bullwhacker Roads" and if so why start a new thread for the same? topic providing less info to get more info?​

Yes the roads in question are near those roads. Yes they are open BLM roads. Yes access to these roads is completely controlled by private land owners. The travel plan map actually lists the roads as open but requires land owner permission.
Yes the roads in question are near those roads. Yes they are open BLM roads. Yes access to these roads is completely controlled by private land owners. The travel plan map actually lists the roads as open but requires land owner permission.
This for a sheep tag right? Not familiar with 680, but with a OIL sheep tag in my pocket, the last thing I want to worry about or deal with is a private landowner. mtmuley
Rent a chopper, there's plenty of those flying around there looking for the gov tag ram. Or..... call the world renowned breaks ram hunter himself John Lewton. He's got no problem crossing private and accessing the best stuff. He'll tell you exactly how it's gonna go with the whacker road. A couple years ago people were getting into that country through the ranch I'm not sure if they've changed it back.

There's other places to look for rams up there.....

Only the ram knows though.
I would look up 2008 hunter Justin “Allen” Gibson and try to get some access info for 680. I heard he navigated around or through private property and got a 204” ram.

Anyone have a link to the video of that hunt?
This for a sheep tag right? Not familiar with 680, but with a OIL sheep tag in my pocket, the last thing I want to worry about or deal with is a private landowner. mtmuley
If it's a 680 ram tag, the opportunity calls for serious research, scouting, and hunting with boots on the ground. My DIL drew the tag and she spent many hours with my son exploring and scouting. They were able to respectfully approach landowners on the ground during their times up there and received access permission to get to public lands. They returned in October planning to just scout some more, but found a good ram and she took it with her new 270 short mag.
I told my son to get his trophy mule deer, antelope, and bull elk mounts out of the room, as they are dwarfed by her 190 6/8 trophy ram perfectly beautiful mount!
I would look up 2008 hunter Justin “Allen” Gibson and try to get some access info for 680. I heard he navigated around or through private property and got a 204” ram.

Anyone have a link to the video of that hunt?

Rumor has it he's not real welcomed in that area. He goes to whatever extent it takes to take rams and add another feather in the cap.

The couple times I've visited with him he's been ok. He's got no probably taking people to get a ram for some 💰. Even if it's not in a place he can go. Didn't fwp bust him in a sting when the warden "conveniently" had a 680 tag?
I don't wanna derail the thread. @BuckRut the best way to figure it out is show up. The biologist should have some knowledge if is usable or not. Unfortunately the Wilks are the douche bags that cause this shit. You should be able to access it no problem but we don't live in that world.

There's a considerable amount of opportunity besides the yellow brick rd. Unless you luck out you're going to spend an incredible amount of time up there and trying different areas. Cover areas by all forms of transportation.

I hope you can gain access into whacker rd for sure, like I said the past couple years people have been able to get into it.
I don't wanna derail the thread. @BuckRut the best way to figure it out is show up. The biologist should have some knowledge if is usable or not. Unfortunately the Wilks are the douche bags that cause this shit. You should be able to access it no problem but we don't live in that world.

There's a considerable amount of opportunity besides the yellow brick rd. Unless you luck out you're going to spend an incredible amount of time up there and trying different areas. Cover areas by all forms of transportation.

I hope you can gain access into whacker rd for sure, like I said the past couple years people have been able to get into it.
Trust me I definitely plan to spend a ton of time up there. Not looking for answers to this thread to save me any scouting or hunting trips. There are definitely other ways into the areas. I just want to make sure I do my research so I don’t spend days getting somewhere just to find out I could have drove there in a couple hours.
Trust me I definitely plan to spend a ton of time up there. Not looking for answers to this thread to save me any scouting or hunting trips. There are definitely other ways into the areas. I just want to make sure I do my research so I don’t spend days getting somewhere just to find out I could have drove there in a couple hours.
I can't wait to hear the story good luck!
I've gotten numbers by going the county assessor website to find the parcel, then if it's an LLC you go to the secretary of states website and search business under that name. Typically they list an address and registered agent on those docs.

From there I try to get an address and phone number of that person which is easier.

That said I've always been told "hell no"... one property was actually owned by a friend of a friend and still got the same response... and yes just to trespass to public land.

If it was me I'd have a number in my head that I was willing to pay before I started making calls... and if it was below like $5k I'm not sure if I would bother.

But hey maybe I was just unlucky 🤷‍♂️
$5k would be a third of the way to a solid used jet boat. Just another thing to consider if you don’t already have a boat lined out.
OK, I'm confused as's a public road and you are saying some private ranch controls access down a public road? How is that even possible? If it's public, it's public, cut the lock, jump over it...whatever it takes, it's a public road. What am I missing here? Why are you worried about asking permission to drive down a public road?
OK, I'm confused as's a public road and you are saying some private ranch controls access down a public road? How is that even possible? If it's public, it's public, cut the lock, jump over it...whatever it takes, it's a public road. What am I missing here? Why are you worried about asking permission to drive down a public road?
It’s a blm road that is designated open on the travel plan but to get access to it you cross private land. Therefore you must have permission from the landowner to drive a vehicle on it or access it. This is my interpretation from the op. It’s really common in eastern montana
The warden would know the ranch manager. Ask the fwp for his contact info. I've been told by a warden they prefer text messages so they can get back to you when they can.
This was my first thought. The main question would be whether he is allowed to give out that information.

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