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Landowner claims BLM is his private property

I got a kick out of the rancher's comment that he "Pays Millions in Taxes" on his place. He's a greedy, overbearing a$$hole and he's got a lesson coming. Please pursue this.
Thank you for your efforts to protect access for all of us on our public land. If you benefit financially from his illegal harassment and fraudulent misrepresentation, even better. Maybe he will tell his landowner buddies what a sh!tstorm he created for himself.
Imo, keeping him talk and getting him to finally admit it was public and keeping your cool to get him to do that was brilliant.

This is a game many have been able to play with no way for the hunter to prove or disprove anything, even with good mapping skills.

Onx is the biggest game changer in hunting I've witnessed in my 46 years on the planet. Very similar to what the GPS and mapping software has done for fishing.

That could not have been a really fun interaction, but funny how turd Ferguson's like that can get jumpy in a hurry. He totally understood what he was being asked about the guiding and would have loved to see what his defensive adjustments were once you went on offense.

Sorry it happened, but thanks for sharing and congrats on the bull.
Thank you. My impression of the situation was that he and his neighbor were both taking guest hunting on public lands. This seem to include providing a vehicle, spraying the fence orange, and running folks off.
Keep pressing the issue. You are in no way shape or form going to far.
A few FWP wardens follow this site. I suspect they want to know more about Dale. Dale probably told those paying clients they would have no competition. Imagine the 'splaining Dale had to do after your encounter.

I hope you follow up with this. I suspect you are more versed and skilled at mediation than others who they have successfully run off. Thanks for sharing here.
You handled that beautifully! I may never hunt in MT but I hope that you follow through on this and insist that the correct officials press charges if possible. Dale has certainly done this many times before and gotten away with it. As stated by someone else, think of other hunters that shows up to hunt this spot as their primary target area and have this same situation happen to them next year. Please do what you can to prevent that from happening again. Also, if you live close by I think you or someone should take a can of Krylon Black primer or 2 and go repaint those fence posts! There have been entirely too many of these types of situations happening across the west this year. Thank you for bringing it to light!
If Dale is taking money, he is illegally outfitting on public land. It may be worth finding out who is legally outfitting there, and having a chat with them. If somebody has paid the fees and jumped through the red tape to do it right, I’m sure he is not going to appreciate illegal competition undercutting him, and may be able to assist you in getting this settled.
Dale must be from NM,
I run into lots of Dale's...Dale is a Dick.

I hope for locals tags to show Dale's what's what.
Camera,onxmaps,knowledge of local clerks office, a BLM map & phone number,camera & pistol in truuck is all I usually need....when the Sheriff or G&F show & see me they usually leave soon after because I was correct & it is public & Dale does not have a clue...& could be a lawbreaker hiseff....

Dale's need to be publicly shamed.
Great bull. As a landowner, he can outfit on his deeded land with no license required. However, once he starts outfitting on adjacent public lands, he must be licensed as an outfitter with the state of Montana. If he is telling you public land is private in an attempt to keep you from legally hunting, I would pursue it to the fullest extent possible.

IIRC, would he not also need a Special Use Permit from the managing agency for guiding/outfitting on public lands?

I suggest you contact the Mile City BLM Field Office an inquire about his outfitting permit and pass along the information you shared with us. These issues need to be resolved.

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