I live in AZ & I have never hunted outside of AZ. I started applying for NV, CO & Utah 5 years back. I apply for some quality hunts because if I am going to spend the money I want a quality tag. I also have started participating in several larger coyote hunts that will eventually led me away from AZ.
Now with that being said we have a problem in AZ with human encroachment, developed checker board land & many of the bigger ranches have closed their doors. Do you guys have these same issues?
AZ has very hunter friendly laws, as a private property owner must post such land properly. I know in several other states it is up to the hunter to know where he is & where private property begins. If we had these same rules, it would be a NIGHTMARE & the G&F would be buried with trespass pass cases. Honestly, many average hunters would probably turn it in, as many places are checker boarded & developed.
So, what is an average hunter?
Too me an average hunter is a guy that hunts local & does not stray to far from home. Maybe he shoots his rifle once or twice before the hunt & heads out to his general deer hunt the night before season. Bottom line is he doesn't make it a priority...
I have several friends that over the years have also begun applying for out-of-state hunts. I would not call these guys average, as they are some of the best hunters I personally know. If you look at the stats we are losing hunters & I believe it's the folks that don't value it like us. At some point I think applying out-of-state is going to be average because we will be the ones left & the ones that value it enough to fork out that kinda cash.
Your thoughts...
Now with that being said we have a problem in AZ with human encroachment, developed checker board land & many of the bigger ranches have closed their doors. Do you guys have these same issues?
AZ has very hunter friendly laws, as a private property owner must post such land properly. I know in several other states it is up to the hunter to know where he is & where private property begins. If we had these same rules, it would be a NIGHTMARE & the G&F would be buried with trespass pass cases. Honestly, many average hunters would probably turn it in, as many places are checker boarded & developed.

So, what is an average hunter?
Too me an average hunter is a guy that hunts local & does not stray to far from home. Maybe he shoots his rifle once or twice before the hunt & heads out to his general deer hunt the night before season. Bottom line is he doesn't make it a priority...
I have several friends that over the years have also begun applying for out-of-state hunts. I would not call these guys average, as they are some of the best hunters I personally know. If you look at the stats we are losing hunters & I believe it's the folks that don't value it like us. At some point I think applying out-of-state is going to be average because we will be the ones left & the ones that value it enough to fork out that kinda cash.
Your thoughts...