Lab puppies available

Genetic tests can be done very early on pups. Even pre-weening, if you take precautions to not nurse the pup for a period of time prior to the testing. The genetic testing is a DNA test. Things like hips and elbows are more developmental, and require the puppy to reach maturity (2yo). Although the pennhip test that is becoming more prevalent can be performed much sooner than 2 years.

Genetically yes, both my dogs were tested at birth for defects, the original comment ,to me, was pertaining more to developmental defects. Which I have spoken with my vet about. And like I said, my male is old enough but I travel and work in the woods all over the north west and he travels with me. So this winter when I slow down and I am home I will be taking him in for all the certs

My female had her 3rd heat cycle by 1 yr 5 months, ay which point I spoke with my vet and the vet I purchased my female from and both felt she would be healthy enough to breed. My vet still suggested waiting till 2 for a full exam though.

So to try and troll a simple post, and try and discredit my animals because I’m follow suggestions from my vet. Is making me feel those getting upset are more or less just Karen’s of their friend group.
My female had her 3rd heat cycle by 1 yr 5 months
Either you are completely full of it or that would be a red flag right there TO NOT proceed with breeding her. Sounds like you are just an average Joe breeding your dog looking for some extra cash. If that is your purpose in breeding a dog, best of luck to you finding good homes/buyers for your puppies. Breeding a dog should never be about the money. Most smart people looking for a puppy are going to be running the other way.
Why would having a 3rd heat cycle by 1.5yr old be a red flag? Out of curiosity. At what point to you would make that be a major red flag?
Her first heat was 7 months old (completely normal) second was 11.5 months (also completely normal) 3 rd heat was 1 year 5mo (again completely normal)
Why would having a 3rd heat cycle by 1.5yr old be a red flag? Out of curiosity. At what point to you would make that be a major red flag?
Her first heat was 7 months old (completely normal) second was 11.5 months (also completely normal) 3 rd heat was 1 year 5mo (again completely normal)
I'll bite one more time and then leaving this thread as its just not worth my time pointing out your negligence. I am not a veterinarian however so I'm by no means a "legit source" but do have a huge amount of experience in breeding and dogs in general.

Canines in the "large breed" group (of which the labs fall into) will typically reach maturity (puberty) at the age of 9-12 months. It typically isn't cause for alarm if a dog reaches it early in that 6-9 month range and same on the backside 12-15 months. Anything before 6 months is typically not a good sign as the animal is maturing faster than it should and same with later than 15 months - slower than it should. A dog showing this abnormal pattern in maturing should not be bred. Since your dog hit it at 7 months, that is not "normal" but is just slightly early. Although not cause for alarm, discussion and evaluation from the vet should have been taken to ensure there are no alarming signs with the maturing of the dog in other areas (tooth growth, bones, hearing, etc.).

Just like humans, the heat cycle for dogs is remarkably consistent. A vast majority will go into heat every 6 or 7 months and each cycle will occur on the exact same pattern almost to the day and almost never off by more than a week. Having a shorter cycle or longer cycle than the 6-7 month range is pretty uncommon and not necessarily a concern unless the pattern between heat cycles isn't consistent. Longer period between cycles less of a concern than if they are cycling short of 6 months. We did have a golden retriever once that cycled every 8 months but extremely consistent to within a couple days. Your dog cycled the second time after 4.5 months only and then the third came 5.5 months later. Short cycling and inconsistent. Red flag. Not to mention hitting a 3rd cycle at 1year 5months is crazy given that a normal dog would just be at its 2nd (10.5 months average start plus 6.5 months average between = 17mo or 1 year, 5 months). If it was my dog, I would have chose to not breed that dog due to this abnormality in reaching maturity because I wouldn't want her pups to carry on that same pattern. Its unfair to the future buyers of those puppies unless you specifically disclaim this issue to them.
My female had her 3rd heat cycle by 1 yr 5 months, ay which point I spoke with my vet and the vet I purchased my female from and both felt she would be healthy enough to breed.
As stated previously. I have spoken with my vet and the breeder of my female ( both licensed vets) my dogs are taken in regularly and the vet saw no cause for concern. I do appreciate your input however at this point I’m beginning to feel like it’s more slander than it is constructive criticism
As stated previously. I have spoken with my vet and the breeder of my female ( both licensed vets) my dogs are taken in regularly and the vet saw no cause for concern. I do appreciate your input however at this point I’m beginning to feel like it’s more slander than it is constructive criticism
No cause for concern?
A simple genetic test of the parents could have absolutely avoided EIC (Exercised Induced Collapse) in the breeding.
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