KUIU and Peay/SFW

It also didn't take long for him to post a new blog to get his Trump story out of the lead position.


I find it ironic that the newest blog is a video story about he and Mr. Burns being the last hunters in an area in Alaska that was recently purchased by the Federal Government.

Said purchase resulted in a net loss of almost 10,000 square miles.


Was it public or private land before. I am not sure what the term concession means, was it govt land that they were given exclusive hunting rights to?

From the parks website:
•Non Aboriginal people are not permitted to hunt in the park unless they are a client with one of the three Licensed Hunting Guide Outfitters that currently operate within the expansion area of Nahanni National Park Reserve.

Not totally sure what their point is regarding hunting there.
I think that story is about Canada?

Yes you're correct.

The point still is that this huntable land (although it is a concession) was purchased by their Federal Government, turned into a national park and is no longer huntable.
Yes you're correct.

The point still is that this huntable land (although it is a concession) was purchased by their Federal Government, turned into a national park and is no longer huntable.

Based on the info I found on the park's website, it appears that it is still huntable as long as you are with one of the three outfitters approved to hunt the park expansion. Is it possible that the outfitter they were with was just not one of the three?
I'd like to give Jason the benefit of the doubt, at least for now. I use many of his products and really enjoy them, but that is beside the point. In reading the entire blog, it seems Jason is simply uninformed. And in truth, without being a member of Hunttalk, I wouldn't know anything about SFW in the slightest. If the average hunter heard the name "Sportsman for Fish and Wildlife" they would think, "Hey, that sounds like a great organization! I like hunting, I like fishing! They hunt too so they must be my buddy!"

The fact that Jason posted up the Trump story to highlight his views on public land access makes me believe his heart is probably in the right place. I hope.

I just bought a Elite bow that's Kuiu camo and I really don't feel like selling it!
From Jason Hairston,

I have asked Jason for the source of his big game statistics in Utah. Maybe some specific sheep or mountain goat populations have grown by "200-500%," but most big game species in Utah have not seen population growth anywhere near the levels suggested. Also, Jason clearly has no clue about the decline of mule deer hunting opportunity in Utah over the past 20-25 years.

I like KUIU, but I believe Jason's blog post is a terrible example of brand management.

Yes, The spot that Kuiu gets in the Full Curl and other events at the expo may be the reason for support. Sitka has a booth too in the expo, so there is some competition in the same venue.

When someone says a %200-500 increase the way they should calculate it is Number + %increase(Number). [Percent is a number multiplied by 100, %200 = 2 ]

In 1996 there were 2,200 bighorn sheep in Utah,

In 2016 with a 200% increase. 2,200 + 2(2,200) = 6,600
In 2016 with a 500% increase. 2,200 + 5(2,200) = 13,200

In 2013 according to the Utah Sheep Management plan there were 4,200 total sheep. Not really the numbers that he mentioned, innumeracy strikes again.

In 1993 there were twenty three tags given out for Bighorn sheep and in 2012 (Utah plan) there were 83 tags given out. A 260% percent increase in tags.

Utah's elk plan does not go as far back, but using the current population of 81,000 elk. In order for a 200% increase the population of starting elk population would have to be 27,000 for a 500% increase the population of starting elk 13,500. So, I think it is safe to say that's not correct for elk.

Utah's Mountain Goat tags increased population increased from 300 to 1900 in that period an increase of 533% in that time period. So, the statement with goats is correct.

Utah's Pronghorn population is estimated at 13,700 now, so a 200% increase the starting population would need to be 4,576 goats and for a 500% increase the starting population would need to be 2,284 goats. Given in 1993 hunters harvested 1,549 goats it is safe to say it is false.

Utah's Mule Deer population was 225,000 in 1993 and is now at 325,000 animals a 44% increase. So, the statement is incorrect.

Utah's Moose population was 2,250 in 1993 and is now at 3,250 animals; a 44% increase. So, the statement is incorrect.

Utah's bison population is currently at 1,870 animals. For a 200% increase the starting population would need to be 624 animals and for a 500% increase the starting population would have to be 312 animals. I don't know if this is correct, but it is plausible.

So, either he has some numbers that are not available to the public or he is using what Joel Best describes in his book Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics as Mutant Statistics (Stats that take on a life of their own and are repeated in a way to represent the telephone game) or he is innumerate.

I like Kuiu, because of the way it preforms - though I do find this situation very comical.
The problem with statistics quoted on hunting forums is it is almost always impossible to verify the authenticity. --- President Abraham Lincoln
I wonder when if not already THE Don will have Jason up to hunt at the SFW concession that was purchased by selling off Utah tags to the highest bidder?
I wonder when if not already THE Don will have Jason up to hunt at the SFW concession that was purchased by selling off Utah tags to the highest bidder?

Arctic Red River? Looks like he is up there almost yearly.

This seems like a great place for this masterpiece, its a good watch when you just don't feel like you are a big enough badass.
The problem with statistics quoted on hunting forums is it is almost always impossible to verify the authenticity. --- President Abraham Lincoln

It's a problem with all statistics, whether it is on a internet forum or in the political circle.

People that are bad at math and people that hate math, use math to quantify their ideas - with the hope that people will just take their word at face value and not question their numbers or how their numbers were obtained.

It's hard to think critically about numbers that you agree with and easy to think critically about numbers that you disagree with.
I just wore out a pair of Sitka pants last weekend and was going to try a pair of Kuiu along with a few other items that I've pretty much destroyed but now it's NO SOUP FOR YOU KUIU!
Don has been a great asset to utahs wildlife!! utah has some of the best elk and deer hunting in the world. So what if hes making a living, no different than Hunttalks posterboy david allen.
Don has been a great asset to utahs wildlife!! utah has some of the best elk and deer hunting in the world. So what if hes making a living, no different than Hunttalks posterboy david allen.

That has to be the dumbest post this year so far on this site! One guy is an outright crook living off the public assets of Utah, while the other guy is upfront and running one of the best wildlife organizations in the country!

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