Caribou Gear Tarp

Koran burning/A.C.L.U.


We have the right to do plenty of things including burning korans, which would be bad judgement in my opinion. Just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean you should. Obviously burning the koran riles up the religion of peace just like building a shrine to their god, whose name they killed thousands of innocent people in, next to the place it all happened is going to rile up the Americans who haven't forgot what happened that day.

Now, you claim ignorance in actions by Mormons, but yet you refrain to call for them being denied rights to build indoctrination centers within mere feet of schools with innocent children in them.

Show me were I have called for anybodies rights to be denied.....

Reading is fundamental.

Besides, what does a church have to do with being "mere feet from a school"? Did the mormons blow up some schools that I am not aware of? If that's the case then I will have to put some thought into it.

That's a fine list of American muslim organizations you have listed but were missing the overseas sects. American Muslims for Jerusalem sounds about as legit as Jews for Jesus. :D

Just exactly what charges does the nutty florida preacher need "defended" from??? There was never any legal case for the ACLU to intervene.

Are you expecting the ACLU to be jumping in front of cameras every time some nut case makes a stupid statement? That seems more like Sarah Palin's role.

Who said Charges? thats your B.S.

The A.C.L.U.brings lawsuits against traditional American values all the time.

Yes I think they [A.C.L.U.] should come out with a Statement/press conference defending the whacky Florida Preacher..

Jose Why was the A.C.L.U. down on the Border "Defending" the so-called civil rights of "illegal aliens".... there wasn't a lawsuit or "charges"... but the A.C.L.U. was there looking for the welfare of illegals. and watching the Minutemen/border patrol ...just in case they saw something they didn't like....thats why they show their "Marxist" agenda just like the post/article suggests... CJ rests his case:hump:
Interesting that someone who constantly complains about Fox incessantly parrots Madcow and Olberwoman's talking points.

...just sayin.:rolleyes:
Are the muslim falangists any more dangerous than the extreme right fanatics that we raise right here in the US of A? Any more dangerous than the Klan or the Aryan Brotherhood? Idiots are idiots regardless of their cause. It doesn't matter if you kill people because you call them infidel or because you call them nigger or because you call them whitey.. Extremists, regardless of motivation, are dangerous.

Burning Qurans does nothing but give the bad guys another spoon to stir the pot with and put Americans in foreign lands in more trouble than they are already in. Stupid idea.
How close does it not become "painful" to you? Is building a mosque in Murfeesboro, Tennesse "too close" to the "shrine"?

Do you support the takings of property rights to prevent property owners from being able to use their land as it is permitted?

I thought I made it simplistically clear what my points were:

1. It really isn't a mosque, but a "community center", or so they say. Not really important!

2. I have no use whatsoever for muslim extremists.

A final addendum; I don't care if they build the damned thing in Central Park or in your back yard. If they can come to my country and live in peace, be productive and responsible citizens that's great, but if they're like Bermuda grass with all the surface vegetation connected underground back to a central root system then they aren't trying to be Americans at all, but muslims living in America for all its liberties and benefits, and bear watching until their loyalties are guaranteed. Where do your loyalties lie???
Are the muslim falangists any more dangerous than the extreme right fanatics that we raise right here in the US of A? Any more dangerous than the Klan or the Aryan Brotherhood? Idiots are idiots regardless of their cause. It doesn't matter if you kill people because you call them infidel or because you call them nigger or because you call them whitey.. Extremists, regardless of motivation, are dangerous.

Burning Qurans does nothing but give the bad guys another spoon to stir the pot with and put Americans in foreign lands in more trouble than they are already in. Stupid idea.

Very True...But if we are keeping score... The muslim Fanatics win hands down..Riots/killing over Cartoons/Books by S. Rushdie etc,etc..

The Gist of the original thread is to point out the Hippocracy of the Red Diaper Doper Babies at the A.C.L.U.

Harley are you saying Jose has stolen his TK. Pts. from Maddow and Oberlame?
Harley are you saying Jose has stolen his TK. Pts. from Maddow and Oberlame?

He would claim they stole them from him. He definitely has Fox/Palin tourettes.


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