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Knee surgery recovery


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2017
SW Michigan
Well the road to recovery starts today. Just got home from my miniscus surgery. Hopefully, this is one will be as good as my last back in 2015 and I can start getting some miles on my Kenetreks soon. Need to get ready for grouse season and chasing Elk in the Madison Valley. IMG_0305.jpg
Thanks, I've never taken time off from work before for medical, in 2015 I had it done on a Wednesday and was back to work on Monday. Sucked for sure, but riding a desk didn't require much. This time with that elk deer combo sitting in my pocket I took the rest of the month off. Plus I want to try and get some fishing in! I've been really wanting some walleye after all those picks Northwoods has been posting. Figure by next week I should be good enough to manage that.
Good luck with your recovery. Hunting season sure is a good motivator for pulling yourself thru the initial painful movement.
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If you are like me, the recovery is very much dependent upon how active you were before the surgery. I have had 3 meniscus surgeries. The first back a few years (1972). The last about 20 yrs ago. Except for the 1st one I was back to work within 2-3 days. Follow the therapy plan. Use the ice. You should be fine.

I am on recover road right now for rotator cuff. Surgery was in mid-April and I was back in the gym using that arm in mid-June. Mine has been an unusual recovery. Orthopedic surgeon thought it was 3-4 weeks ahead of typical. Not at full strength, nor even trying to push it, but believe I will be released fully soon. Did my exercises regularly. Iced it 12+ hours a day for first week then iced it after every exercise session. I believe that was very key to improved recovery.

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Take really good care of it and do all the physical therapy you can! Once they start trimming out the meniscus the road to a knee replacement starts. I have had 5 surgeries on one knee and the next one with be a partial replacement. Good luck and take it easy!
Take really good care of it and do all the physical therapy you can! Once they start trimming out the meniscus the road to a knee replacement starts. I have had 5 surgeries on one knee and the next one with be a partial replacement. Good luck and take it easy!

This #3 for me. I'm curious what the doc has to say when I do my follow up on the 26th. I quit running for the most part now and go for long fast walks in good shoes for exercise. I realized a few years ago if I didn't start taking better care of them I would be wheeling my daughter down the Isle instead of walking her down. Thanks for the well wishes.
Good luck. Hang in there,bro. And just remember to do exactly what the physical therapist says. Things will go better for you if you do.
On the plus side I got my wife to make me peanut butter cookies to help nurse me back into shape. Round is a shape, this first therapy is might yummy too! I have this first few weeks to just work on the exercise he gave me. If it's like last time I should start being able to put weight on it tomorrow, you know to get more cookies! Lol
On the plus side I got my wife to make me peanut butter cookies to help nurse me back into shape. Round is a shape, this first therapy is might yummy too! I have this first few weeks to just work on the exercise he gave me. If it's like last time I should start being able to put weight on it tomorrow, you know to get more cookies! Lol

They do say to increase the weight gradually as therapy progresses, but not sure they meant to do it by enjoying more cookies. LOL
Well had my final appointment today, Almost...

I missed a step getting down from an Army truck a few weeks ago and hurt my knee again. I have been walking on it and still getting ready for season. Told the doc today that I had fell and was still having some pain when I pivoted my knee. He did an exam and was able to replicate what was bothering me. Seems I bruised my the top Tibia when I fell. So he extended my restrictions and I get to back and see him one more time in 6 weeks. Some positive things have been happening to offset it so I can't really complain. I am just going to have to readjust my planned spots as my toughguy ignorance is starting to meet reality of "I wont be climbing that slope this year".
I had torn my miniscus playing racquet ball in 2006. Had surgery early 2007. Fussed with it good and bad until February of 2014 when I had a total replacement.
No pain but I can't kneel on it. I deer hunted in the mountains of PA since then. Now the other is giving me grief to the point where I don't want to take a chance hiking up the mountain and end up with 2 knees that I can't kneel on.
Hope for a speedy recovery. Keep that ice on it! :) But then I guess you know that. P)

Well with less than two weeks to go before we head to MT, I am still having issues from my post surgery fall. The Dr Office this morning ordered another MRI as the pain has not been getting any better. Hopefully, they can get this figured, I'm tired of being limited. I told them I was headed to MT hell or high water and they said after the MRI we would see if a shot would get me thru the trip.

Has anyone else received steroid injections? If so how did it work for you?

Thanks Tony
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Hey there,

Knee problems suck. I have had both knees scoped for meniscus tears and debridement. My one knee rebounded quickly but the other took about 6 months to feel better. Since then (4 years ago) I have had 4 cortisone shots in my right knee. The first shot made my knee feel better for about 3 weeks. The second shot worked for about 1 week and the last two didn't do anything. The doctor did prescribed me Meloxicam and when my knee is really bad it takes the edge off. I did a trip to Glacier last summer, hiking and back-country camping. I used trekking poles and took it easy going downhill(that kills knees).

I have since had 3 MRI's and will be undergoing microfracture surgery this December. Since I am only 41 the doctor didn't want to do a knee replacement yet. I am hoping to be able to go hunting next fall. They say 6-10 month recovery time.

Good luck and take it easy.
Not sure when or how (its been like this for almost a year) but my brother (a Dr) says I tore my meniscus. I'm fine for the most part but the day after running, softball, etc I can barely walk on it. Looks like I'll be headed for an MRI and surgery if need be...after hunting season of course.
Hope you have a speedy recovery Addicting! I feel for you man.

I dodged a bullet my first evening archery elk hunting this year. An hour into my hunt my foot got caught and I slipped on a wet log falling on my knee. Heard 3 pops and sprained my ankle at the same time. Thought I was done for the year. Swelling in the ankle was terrible but my knee wasn't bad. It hurt like hell for 3-4 days but then it has gradually gotten better each day since. Doctor diagnosed a grade 1 MCL tear and said I was damn lucky. This has been my first and only knee injury in my life (played basketball, football, and baseball my whole life) and I hope I never experience that pain again. I feel for those who have to deal with MCL/ACL tears. They are awful.
John C., man up it only hurts until they break the scar tissue. LOL
Had my right knee done 7 years ago. glad I had it done, was bone on bone and that was a long painful summer.
2 years out of right hip replacement, the femur ball/head was dying it was a total have to get it done thing.
Doctor finally released me yesterday. Seems I'm a one in a hundred or more that the bone is very slow and I mean slow in growing around the stem in the femur. X-ray showed good growth around 85% of the stem still hasn't gotten to the point. But the doc felt good enough to let me go and come back in 5 years.
The best thing you can do is find the best knee surgeon in your area and then the very best Physical Therapist for your therapy. It'll go a lot easier and you'll have a great knee. If you follow all the directions.

Addicting, each surgery is different so go easy on yourself even if it wasn't a total replacement. Follow all orders.
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