Caribou Gear

King for a day, what would you do?

Are you referring to my comments? I have a friend who's 2 children were shot and killed because of a road rage incident. His wife was also shot but survived. Road rage shooting hits pretty close to home.
Yes, sorry to hear about your friend. If you think anyone is really advocating murder here carry on.
Probably not but understand that statements advocating murder of innocent people just doesn't sit well and strikes a nerve. Life's too short to suggest that people be murdered because of petty reasons. 'nuff said,,,,
So because in your mind people who drive a certain type of car or people who don't drive the way that you want them to should be murdered? Would this be a public execution or a random cowards approach?
It’s a joke rooted in a little education. The purpose for multi lane highways is to be able to go the speed you want, someone in a passing lane generally any lane to the left should be passing or merge back to the right.

Sorry about your friend and his children like I said, it’s just an attempt at humor. Not an advocacy of murdering innocent people.
It’s a joke rooted in a little education. The purpose for multi lane highways is to be able to go the speed you want, someone in a passing lane generally any lane to the left should be passing or merge back to the right.

Sorry about your friend and his children like I said, it’s just an attempt at humor. Not an advocacy of murdering innocent people.
I drove truck for years. I'm with you on the lane choice issue. There's plenty idiots I had thought of giving a nudge to.
The other part like I said hit too close to home from a real life experience.
I’d give myself a lifetime archery tag for elk in Colorado, any unit.
It’s a joke rooted in a little education. The purpose for multi lane highways is to be able to go the speed you want, someone in a passing lane generally any lane to the left should be passing or merge back to the right.

Sorry about your friend and his children like I said, it’s just an attempt at humor. Not an advocacy of murdering innocent people.
Ok. How about this, since speed is a factor in a majority of accidents

Speed limits absolutely enforced

More than 5 over or 10% is a felony. No jail time but loss of license, and asset forfeiture,like they can do for wildlife violations. Phones, vehicles, anything involved in that violation.

We talk about how people poaching get far too much leniency on this forum, yet so many people brag about how often they violate driving laws.
Ok. How about this, since speed is a factor in a majority of accidents

Speed limits absolutely enforced

More than 5 over or 10% is a felony. No jail time but loss of license, and asset forfeiture,like they can do for wildlife violations. Phones, vehicles, anything involved in that violation.

We talk about how people poaching get far too much leniency on this forum, yet so many people brag about how often they violate driving laws.
Never said anything about speeding. But if the speed limit on an interstate is 75 and you’re going 65 in the left lane that’s an issue. In my years of driving someone holding up the left lane and sometimes a long line of cars can create a jumble effect for dozens of miles even after the cars behind get around them potentially creating more of a traffic hazard down the road.

Also I don’t like any dissenters as king.

Never said anything about speeding. But if the speed limit on an interstate is 75 and you’re going 65 in the left lane that’s an issue. In my years of driving someone holding up the left lane and sometimes a long line of cars can create a jumble effect for dozens of miles even after the cars behind get around them potentially creating more of a traffic hazard down the road.

Also I don’t like any dissenters as king.

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I think the cops have gotten to the point they’ve given up on me. I did get a 90 in a 65 in a semi about a year ago, but I was passing some slow person and wanted to do it quickly and the trooper just happened to be there. He was nice, didn’t even lecture me. I’m guessing when he pulled up all my previous tickets he figured I was a lost cause.

Copied that from your post on the stupid window stickers thread. You know. Saying something about speeding.
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I think the cops have gotten to the point they’ve given up on me. I did get a 90 in a 65 in a semi about a year ago, but I was passing some slow person and wanted to do it quickly and the trooper just happened to be there. He was nice, didn’t even lecture me. I’m guessing when he pulled up all my previous tickets he figured I was a lost cause.

I’ve slowed down myself. The 20’s me was always in a race. Now I’m usually just going around the speed limit. I just hate congested roads. There’s not much reason for it other than poor driving skills, gawking, and holding up the flow of traffic in the left lane. I’d almost have to have a gun to my head to drive east of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers and in large pockets of the west. I wouldn’t drive in Denver for anything. I-15 between LA and Vegas should be torn up. I’ve never seen a stretch of completely open road come to a complete stop that many times for absolutely no reason at all.

I do my best to be considerate and patient, but there’s times that gets used up.
I think the cops have gotten to the point they’ve given up on me. I did get a 90 in a 65 in a semi about a year ago, but I was passing some slow person and wanted to do it quickly and the trooper just happened to be there. He was ni, didn’t even lecture me. I’m guessing when he pulled up all my previous tickets he figured I was a lost cause.

Copied that from your post on the stupid window stickers thread. You know. Saying something about speeding.
I thought I had read that the lanes were designated by numbers? 1,2,3 etc. there's no more "fast lane" but called the "passing lane" if there were only a #1&2 lane. Agreed that slower traffic should travel in the furthest right lane.
Traffic laws should be pretty much universal from state to state.
The written CDL test should be in English only. If you don't read and write the language then you shouldn't drive in the US.

I would build a big beautiful wall around the great state of Montana. It would be Yuge. I would also deport the transplants and restore western Montana to its natural beauty.

Could natives move back!?! 🙏
I’ve got another grumpy one about all the new people moving to Idaho:

Real estate agents must be born in Idaho to work in Idaho. You don’t get to move here because it’s so great and then help ruin it

Also you have a hunting/fishing violation you can not work as any type of influencer, marketer, etc

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