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Kids and Cows


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
Went out scouting for some Elk, took the 2 little ones and they said they wanted to pet some cows :eek: After explaining to them for 3 hours I figured the only way they would listen to me is if I did.
So I opened the truck door and said have at it.

they tried to for 30 mins and even got a show, I usually have to pay good money for that LOL.

Claudia found her first shed, its old and small but hey she found it, then she found a bone. good thing we were about 4 miles back cause I made her carry the stuff, after about 1/2 mile she dropped everything except the bone and the Small shed.

Kids had fun


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Thanks Oak

Hey how do you guys take outdoor in forest pics?
I have that cannon rebal eos xti camera witht he standard lens.
I have it on Auto.
is there certain settings I need to set?
your guys pics come out fantastic with contrast and everything, mine have no contrast,

I think its time for a 300-500 mm lens but I am unsure of which one to get cause I dont want to spend the money and get one that takes crappy pics.
AWESOME MAN !!!! thats funny. I have paid for stuff like that but it was a Donkey... not a cow, but I digress ;)
Del, you'll have to ask someone smarter than me. I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but it sounds like you might be trying to take pictures when light isn't as good. If you have the camera set on Auto, the shutter speed might be too low for pics without a tripod or pics of moving objects.

I think its time for a 300-500 mm lens but I am unsure of which one to get cause I dont want to spend the money and get one that takes crappy pics.

Lenses don't take crappy pics, photographers do. ;) If you want the best quality, I'd stick with Canon lenses and buy a lens with the best F-value you can afford. Also remember that your camera has a magnification factor of 1.6x, so a 300mm lens will have an effective magnification equal to a 480mm lens.
The bull is on the bottom. You must have done a road trip to Montana...? hump

I have that cannon rebal eos xti camera witht he standard lens.
I have it on Auto.
is there certain settings I need to set?
your guys pics come out fantastic with contrast and everything, mine have no contrast,

I think its time for a 300-500 mm lens but I am unsure of which one to get cause I dont want to spend the money and get one that takes crappy pics.
I'm no expert, but first thing to do is read the manual for your XTi (sounds dumb but a lot of people don't) and understand the different modes, ie landscape, portrait, macro, aperture priority, etc. I wouldn't spend another dime until you know how to shoot what you've got. A lens like you mentioned probably isn't really what you want anyway. Not only will you drop some serious cash, but you'll need to haul the thing around plus a tripod. Maybe something like a 70-300mm with image stabilization would be your next purchase though. And even that in low light for wildlife you'll probably want the tripod.

Get a book like this or one of the many others out there.

Just understanding the basics will take you a long way. Also learn to use the histogram feature for correct exposure. Good luck.
I got the close up indoor stuff for our catalog down pretty good, A light tent made a huge difference. this was the main purpose of the Camera.

the outdoor stuff I dont shoot very much. but I am starting to go out a little more.
this is the lens I am looking at.

I used to shoot pics for work back in the early 80's as it was my job, and I ran a photo lab too.
I used to use contax and yashicas which I still have including the mirror lens for them. but they are film cameras and obsolete not to mention digital is some much better,

These digitals are really hard to get used to. and reading the book is probally a must .I just wish they would print them in bigger print cause I am blind as a bat for close up stuff. but I did egt reading glass's now I just need the time.

The tripod doesnt bother me, the telephoto with a marco is what I want but damn 4K ouch.
I had wanted and was going to buy the 500 mm one but decided against it.

this is the other one I was looking at but was told its not that great,
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