Kick Ass New broadheads - fly perfect

find a whitetail shoulder blade and shoot one into it ,,,,there will be your fact

I guess if Montana ever has a sledge hammer or steel block season I would have to give them a try, but right now I try not to hunt either one
Tom, before I'd call them crap, I'd have to see them. Sounds like crap, looks like crap, but you never know without looking at them. I do know that I've found broadheads with long ferrules are fussier than those with short ones. Those have wire heads have long ones. My bow is well tuned, shoots a perfect hole in paper with field points, and with several different types of broadheads. However, I've never had the best luck with the longer ferrules, like those on Muzzy's Thunderheads, razorhead, steelforce, etc.. They can shoot nice, and plenty good for 20 yard shots, but less forgiving on a less than perfect release from my bow. At a longer shot, I want a prefect flying broadhead and so far - these ones are best I've ever tried.

Cathunt, I checked those out but didn't shoot them. I felt the drawback was the rubber band is still on there and I doubt they are a tip that can be used multiple times. Didn't look very durable, could be wrong, but that was my take. I'd like to try them at some point.
its been done very successfully 280 on a lot more animals besides whitetail, hogs are tougher, its done great on those. If that's the facts to base it on, its great, maybe the greatest there's ever been. After hundred's, if someone kept the data, it would be clearer.

well, this one worked on a 98 yard caribou shot, I can't do that, but it worked for that.
They are great I have been shooting the same one for a week and a half over 60 shots. The rubber band comes off as it goes into the target or animal. I just changed the rubber band last night for the first time. And they pull out of the target great. This is the first time I have shot anything other then fixed blades and I have to say they are nice...
Cathunt, I checked those out but didn't shoot them. I felt the drawback was the rubber band is still on there and I doubt they are a tip that can be used multiple times. Didn't look very durable, could be wrong, but that was my take. I'd like to try them at some point.
Tom ,,,you probly shouldn't keep bringing up the dumb ass shooting 98 yards at a caribou
from that last link on the ATOM:

"The Atom has been used all over North America and in Africa successfully killing any critter it hit! The pass thru performance, good entrance AND exit wounds and short, bloody trails have taken very vocal and skeptical hunters/guides/outfitters when first showed The Atom broadhead and turned them into true believers.
A common expression when a hunter first sees the results of an Atom on an animal goes like this…”It looks like I shot it with a 30-06”! Or..”I could never find my arrow as it just kept going after going thru the animal!!!”.
Put The Atom to a test on the animals you hunt anywhere in the world and you’ll see what others have discovered. Sometimes a radical change is the answer to fixing age old problems."

its length, from the arrow shaft to just past the tip is just under 4cm.
Greeny, you let us know how they work out. Maybe then I might go back to trying an expandable with confidence. I do like the no rubber band thing as that has always been a pain in the ass dealing with them in the quiver.
I used to tape a couple extras onto my quiver to carry along on a pack in hunt. I used to use the rocky MT Snypers and i think those were a great design with the slide back blades but they were even more sensitive to rubber band problems. I also always wished they were a 3 blade head. The ones you are talking about are a similar concept.
I still do not understand the "barbed" rules. I always thought any expandable that could not have the blades fold back forward for easy extraction was the reason for being barbed. Who can clarify on what they actually mean by ID laws?
I dont have one of those broadheads of yours in my hand to see in person but the thing that concerns me the most is the bulkiness of the sliding furrel, and the drag it may create in the wound channel causing penetration problems. I used another Rockey mountain head called the "Revolution" that had a sliding furrel that was bulky and the penetration I got with those heads on Hogs was a frigging JOKE!
Kurt, Kill your moose with one shot with them and post pictures of the penetration and exit wound and I will buy 2 packs and send you one for "testing" them.
elk hunter - you shouldn't assume. What broadhead do you not clean off after shooting into an animal or the dirt? Cleaning off the broadhead is probably secondary after sharpening it again before using it for hunting. Personally, i don't shoot anything but a new razor sharp broadhead at game when hunting. Plucking one out of an animal or the dirt.. doesn't get put in the quiver for my next shot at an animal. What frikkin planets do some of you folks come from?

You're missing the point. ;) I'm questioning the amount of cleaning required for these types of broadheads - I feel more is involved as opposed to static blades. And I wonder if because more effort is involved, that it may not be work these expanding blades. Just thoughts. :eek:
280, the guy didn't shoot at the caribou, he shot it and he killed it. You base your evaluation on 30 years experience and the way it looks and you can't even keep my facts straight it seems.

The ATOM is made of titanium, it holds up pretty good it seems, multiple kills, same broadhead, same razoer wires.
the guy didn't shoot at the caribou, he shot it and he killed it.

so Tom to hit a caribou with an arrow does a guy have to shoot AT the caribou or do you Texans shoot some othe direction?
you're right, we shoot at it. This guy did more than that, I thought I should make that clear, since you don't like the shot. Do you use modern broadheads? you chip flint? Did you know Fred Bear or Robin Hood or anybody like that?
Why have Greeny's threads been taken over by Dickheads and Dumbasses lately? Dickhead......... out...............
fish on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,took a little longer then expected but I just gut hooked him

Greeny those heads better be kick ass,,,,$13 each plus the arrow at about $7,,,$20 a shot
now AZ402 thinks the thread has been taken over. Geeze, people have to post for these things to work. If you don't like a post, tell somebody something informative, don't just cry dickhead or dumbass or crap.

Go ahead, say it, what's on your mind, really, let it out.

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