Kerry is a liar and hypocrite

Cant find the reference. But from same article quoted above. "The Bush campaign and the veterans' group have said repeatedly that there is no coordination."
Originally posted by RockyDog:
Cant find the reference. But from same article quoted above. "The Bush campaign and the veterans' group have said repeatedly that there is no coordination."
From the MSNBC article above:
Neither campaign has produced proof of coordination on the part of its rival.
So how is what you wrote a lie if there is no proof? Find the reference if you are going to charge someone with lying.
Any thing the conservatives do is way to much in the Libs books...
The libs basically own what is said and done with the TV and News papers....
Along comes a small percentage of the media (AM radio) and they have a coniption fit....
I see the same thing going on right now.
They are just useing the big media that they carry to bash any thing that makes them look bad... Just my 2 Cents
Originally posted by RockyDog: posted 08-25-2004 11:25
I dont understand what you are saying? Is it that its ok that Bush lied on TV about the swift boaters?
Still waiting for the lie...3 1/2 hours later.
...The campaign of Senator John Kerry shares a lawyer, Robert Bauer, with America Coming Together, a liberal group that is organizing a huge multimillion-dollar get-out-the-vote drive that is far more ambitious than the Swift boat group's activities. Mr. Ginsberg said his role was no different from Mr. Bauer's...

Still Waiting................

Rocky the point to this thread was to show the double standard the dems operate under.
I love this Quote, it really shows the double standard
Mr. Ginsberg had been at the forefront of pressing the legal case against Democratic 527's, which have spent more than $60 million on advertisements against Mr. Bush.
Kerry is a crybaby, just like the third grade. can dish it out but can't take it :rolleyes:
I had to go back and reread the story to understand that Ginsberg wasnt resigning because of an obvious coordination, he just didnt want it to appear that way. My bad.
your statement is very true, you can read more than you want on my post truth about etc...., I can't see anyone with half a brain buying into his nonsense, if you do buy into it maybe you should download micheal moores 9/11 facts fixed promo on the net and I promise your pro micheal moron ideas would be gone! or go to and read 56 deceits about 9/11 and come back with a something positive bout moore won't be easy!
Originally posted by ELKCHSR:
But that would probably lose him any chance of leading this country down the toilet... ;)

That is the most intelligent statement I have ever seen from you. You agreeing with Chas that if Dubay were to release his records, he would be down the toilet....

Two wrongs don't make a right....

Kerry condemned the MoveOn ads, specifically.... Dubya weaseled on the Swift ads...

Guess which one is more "Presidential"....
I think the general condemnation of all 527s and their use as a loophole is more important than just condemning one particular one. Is Kerry going to go down his list and condemn each one supported by the Democrats individually? Well, I guess Bush isn't going to, either.

But you are correct - two wrongs do not make a right. The "right" thing to do in my opinion, would be for both candidates and both parties to denounce and cease funding all 527 organizations. It will not happen until the law is changed, though.

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