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Kerry is a liar and hypocrite


New member
Apr 2, 2002
I find it amusing that Kerry has had a fit about the swift boat vets, and claims Bush is behind all of it when he is doing the very same thing.
He is a class A hypocrite.
Of all the money spent by the 527 groups such as the swifties and move on,
Groups backing the liberal agenda have spent 83%. While conservative groups have spent only 17%.
Kerry has direct ties to moveon.org, Yet he cries about Bush and the swift boat vets.
Here is a link to the DNC web page that states they are in partnership with moveon.
“The Democratic Party is partnering with MoveOn.org, People for the American Way, Campaign for America's Future, and dozens of other groups representing millions of Americans to organize a massive public mobilization. On Wednesday, May 14, join us by calling and emailing your representatives in Congress to let them know that the majority of Americans oppose more irresponsible tax cuts that go overwhelmingly to the wealthiest sliver of Americans.”

If Kerry is so bothered by the swifties all he needs to do is sign the paper releasing ALL of his military records. If he is being truthful that would put an end to this whole mess.

[ 08-24-2004, 19:40: Message edited by: michaelr ]
Another article from MSNBC.com/Newsweek -

So-called 527s, tax-exempt political organizations, are free to spend as much as they want to advocate their views, as long as they are truly independent of the candidates and their campaigns. The Kerry forces have filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, charging the Bush campaign with illegal "coordination" with the Swift Boat vets. The Bush camp immediately whacked back, claiming that the Democrats covertly run a far larger overlapping network of 527s. In the long run, scrutiny of 527s could pose more problems for the Democrats.

Organizations like MoveOn, which last week was airing an ad mocking Bush's spotty attendance record in the National Guard, have spent tens of millions of dollars to savage Bush. Trying to figure out whether any of these attacks are, in fact, coordinated by the campaigns may be as difficult as sorting out what really happened on the waterways of the Mekong Delta in the Vietnam War.

Entire article -

Dubya condemmed all the 527's publicly today.

Has kerry? Or is it only the ones against him that he wants ended?

[ 08-24-2004, 19:39: Message edited by: michaelr ]
Originally posted by michaelr:
Dubya condemmed all the 517's publicly today.

Has kerry? Or is it only the ones against him that he wants ended?
Dubya just can't seem to address the issues, or take the opportunity to be a leader.

He takes a pass, and doesn't address the 527's, but instead, condems the "517's"??? :rolleyes:
[/qb][/QUOTE]Dubya just can't seem to address the issues, or take the opportunity to be a leader.

Maybe if you took over everything would be perfect! You seem to have all the answers, run for President! To bad there aren't any people out there with yer "ALL KNOWING" knowledge. Then everything would be perfect in a nice little Elkcummers world!

Depends on what is "the long run", but if it is between now and November, I don't think so. Many of the "liberal" 527s were set up to defeat Bush, long before Kerry was the candidate. They may have an institutional insulation.

The swifties were set up to defeat Kerry, and the set up ties are all tied to Rove. It seems a bit different, as the liberal ones were independent of Kerry.
My vote will not be based on whether or not there was enemy fire inthe delta that day, nor whether or not Bush madeall his national guard drill meetings....... :roll eyes:
Not a whole lot more news - same old disagreements on what happened.

This statement is true, though -

"Unfortunately, this campaign has seen a stunning double standard emerge between the media's focus on the activities of 527s aligned with John Kerry and those opposed to him," Ginsberg continued.

Here, the same guy represents "Move On," a democratic 527 and the DNC, but that is okay. But it is not okay for a Republican?

"Joe Sandler advises the DNC and MoveOn.org, and says there's nothing wrong with serving in both roles at once. The Kerry campaign also acknowledged Wednesday that Bob Bauer, a lawyer advising the campaign on voting rights, is part of the same team that advises America Coming Together, a Democratic 527."

“I feel I cannot let that continue, so I have decided to resign as national counsel to your campaign to ensure that the giving of legal advice to decorated military veterans, which was entirely within the boundaries of the law, doesn’t distract from the real issues upon which you and the country should be focusing.”
Joe Sandler, a lawyer for the DNC and a group running anti-Bush ads, MoveOn.org, said there is nothing wrong with serving in both roles at once.
Neither campaign has produced proof of coordination on the part of its rival.
In the end we will all realize (hopefully sooner than later) that all this crap is simply political mudslinging. It is funny to me that the mass media has taken it upon themselves to discredit the Swift Vets' claims. But there is no media bias, right? Sure.
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