Caribou Gear

Kentucky headed the direction of Colorado anti-hunting groups grow loud

Kentucky sank pretty low in my opinion back when they gave Ken Ham and his ilk a giant tax break to built a massive ark and phony museum.
This bill isn't being pushed by the usual anti-hunting groups-- this is part of a childish power struggle between a deep red General Assembly and a Dem governor. According to a BHA interview on Ryan Callahan's podcast, most of the the support comes from Kentucky Farm Bureau and commercial big ag in the Commonwealth who view wildlife species as "pests."
Commercial big ag has no business dictating wildlife agency decisions. I think it's pretty well established that experts (wildlife biologists) should be informing management decisions through the state wildlife agencies. Scary stuff.
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SB3 Defeated!

With the close of the general session last night, SB3 effectively died in the House Committee on Committees!

There’s an extremely small chance the bill could reappear in the veto session. However, there would be no opportunity to override a veto at that point and we are certain that the Governor would veto any version of this bill that makes it to his desk.

The outdoorsmen and women, the conservation community, and the grass roots effort put forth by those of us that hold our public lands and waters, fish and wildlife resources, and our heritage near and dear to our hearts accepted the challenge, rose to the occasion, and have once again shown Congress we won’t be party to political volleying and degrading of OUR heritage!

The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation is time tested and proven. Today, it prevails!

Thanks to everyone that stood up and made your voices heard in Frankfort this session and across our great nation! This bill was being watched at a National level, and will send a message to more than just the Kentucky politicians- WE WILL NOT LET OUR HERITAGE BE A PAWN IN YOUR GAMES!!!
This bill isn't being pushed by the usual anti-hunting groups-- this is part of a childish power struggle between a deep red General Assembly and a Dem governor. According to a BHA interview on Ryan Callahan's podcast, most of the the support comes from Kentucky Farm Bureau and commercial big ag in the Commonwealth who view wildlife species as "pests."
Refreshing to see that everyone can’t blame the avocado toast yoga pants set for this one.