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Kennetreks killing me!!!

I found with mine that the tighter they are laced the worse they are. Now I wear them just snug like a pair of around town tennis shoes & put a small piece of felt on the heal. Fixed all of the initial issues I had with them.

I do agree that it took a long time to break them in. Now that I have them figured out I love them.
To put it simply, you said they fit great but it sounds like they aren't working. I'd cut bait.
Wow...I have two pair of Kenetreks and they needed no break in time and fit me like a dream. Best pairs of boots I've ever owned. Guess I'm lucky!
This all sounds like a lot of work just to make them wearable when they are an expensive boot. I am not sold.
I use my Kenetreks on days I know I won't be hiking much. Never had to "break in" a pair of Lowas, so they go on the multi-day hunts.

I tried the SOLE moldable footbeds last year based on 1_p's recommendation. Nothing has made my feet more uncomfortable, so I chucked them after a couple of days of use.
Sorry about that! :eek: While the SOLE's help in my K-treks, my next insole will be from Lathrop and Sons. I had a set prior to the K-treks. Those and the boots I bought from L&S (Meindl Island Pros) were much more comfortable. Might try a pair of Lowa's as BOY swears by them.
Email sent to Kenetrek. I gave em the entire rundown. I also told them that it is with much regret that I'll be hiking the mountains in my Salamon D4 GTXs this weekend...
Hmmmm. I have pairs of every model that Kenetrek makes. I've never had to really "break them in." Mostly put them on and start hiking.

I have fat "Fred Flinstone" feet. Not sure if that is the difference. Just this week I probably put 25 miles on my Hardscrabble Lights, uphill and downhill, loaded and empty, walking and running. I was just thinking the other day about how great they fit for the kind of trails and loads are required for my hunting.

Sorry to hear that some are not having the same great results I have had. I have been out to their shop and I know they take every issue seriously. Hopefully customer service can find the solution.
mine size 13W and walked out of the orthoped and never had a problem with pain have custom made foot beds and the german ankle brace that is in there catolog that is a wonder in it's self I have had probily every ankle brace that the VA has to offer and this set up is about a good as it gets fits in side the book has little to no buck and does the job the boots are fantastic I mannage a 6000+ acre tree fram and it is up and down hill rock straems and just about any terain you could think of and the boots wook as advertised have had just about every boot made and this set is one of the best I sure there are some that might be better and some that are worse but these arw just right for me and that is the battle hen it comes to foot wear. wore nothing but crap while in the military and wore a lot of ceap boots until about 1990 then got my first set of good boots and never looked back
I have a pair of the Kenetrek Bridger Ridge High boots. First Kenetreks I have ever owned. I tried Salomon, Lowa, Hanwag, Zamberlain, Vasque, Merrell, Danner and every other boot I could find, but it was all for naught.

I found my feet prefer boots with a wide toe-box, but my heels are too narrow for Wide-sized boots... plus my left foot is permanently swollen from frostbite when I was younger. This combination is tough to fix.

It has taken me months to find early-season waterproof boots that fit well, but these seem to be the ticket.

I hated the insoles that came in them as the arch didn't fit me right (felt like a golf ball in my boots), but the Kenetrek Cushion insoles are flatter and absolutely perfect for me.

Hopefully you'll get lucky too and find the right combination for your feet.
apparently there should be a foot type associated with boots. I just got back from putting on over 50 miles in rugged country in alaska and i brought a pair of Lowas that only had been worn 5miles. They were great and i never had a blister. prior to that i tried to make a pair of hardscrabbles work, i could not go more than 2 miles without them killing me. i actually still have some foot damage from being stubborn and trying to make them work for a few years.
A few months ago I tried on a pair of Lowa Hunters at a boot store here in town. I mentioned to the guy that I wanted to try on Kenetreks before making up my mind about which boot to buy. He indicated his experience was someone's foot either fit a Lowa or a Kenetrek but he never met anyone whose foot fit both brands well. Unfortunately we can't always buy a boot and put 50 miles on 'em before deciding whether to return them or not.
Wow...I have two pair of Kenetreks and they needed no break in time and fit me like a dream. Best pairs of boots I've ever owned. Guess I'm lucky!

^^^ this. I got my first pair a few weeks ago, wore them around the house a couple hours and didn't foresee any issues. Last weekend wore them to a 3D shoot so I had them on for a few hours in some hilly terrain in the woods,,,,no issues. I haven't hiked miles in the elk woods yet, but by far the best boot I've worn, they are pretty awesome, guess I'm lucky too.
apparently there should be a foot type associated with boots.

Not apparently, absolutely. Boots (and shoes) are very specific to foot types and it's vital to never listen to raves or rants if they don't have context. As dependent as we are on boots it is well worth the investment of time to find brands and styles that match your foot.
apparently there should be a foot type associated with boots.

I'll agree with that. Before I bought the Ktreks, I had some Lowa Focus GTX LO and no matter how hard I tried to get them to fit... they just never felt right. However, my wife will tell you they are the single best-fitting boot she's ever tried.

We're all different, I guess.
Have a thin hard to fit foot...(A or AA in most cowboy type boots) & have never had an issue with Kenetrek from the first time I wore them.
I'm sending them back and in the meantime I'll measure my feet (exactly) and give them that info as well. The thing that kills me is that I love the boots to death until I've hiked 2 miles in rugged country with em...then I hate em.
Just sent back 2 pair of Kenetrek Bridger lights, most uncomfortable shoe I have ever had, kennetrek sent some different insoles to try, that didnt work. Kennetrek took them back, no problems.My hardscrables are the most comfortable boot I have ever worn. Although they are a little warm for me in the summer. They have more cushion in the sole. GUes Ill try the desert guides next.