Kansas Turkey Adventures

Schedule a test drive with the Hyundai dealer for that white SUV. Tell the salesperson you’d like to just sit in the front seat for a little bit before you test drive it. Call that turkey in close.
I am in the market for a new SUV!

A blown head gasket in the Suzuki is the death blow for "Pearl". My service shop would install a "new" motor to the tune of 6K, 8K with new rubber goods and at 187k miles, not gonna do that.
I am in the market for a new SUV!

A blown head gasket in the Suzuki is the death blow for "Pearl". My service shop would install a "new" motor to the tune of 6K, 8K with new rubber goods and at 187k miles, not gonna do that.
We are actually in the market for a new SUV as well. After seeing the prices on them it looks like I’ll be driving my 2004 f150 for another 20 years.
He lives!
One of my employees snapped this photo of him in the parking area of the car dealership, a 1/2 mile from the office.

This is the first time I’ve seen (a photo) of a wild turkey taking a drink

Just south of downtown Minneapolis Minnesota at my daughters place, I’m watching ‘Bama playing the Vols, and I hear gobbler yelping…..

Any chance he gets whacked this spring, or is he an urban dweller?

He’s living 4 miles inside city limits. Central Avenue divides Wichita into north/south halves. Greenwich is the east border of the Beechcraft runway/facilities. His flock has varied from 4-10 toms plus hens over the years. I imagine the gene pool is very limited.

In the fb page there are several videos of him gobbling. Worst turkey gobble I’ve ever heard.

I’d guess that over the last year and a half I legitimately could have run him over a half dozen times as he struts into a lane, counting on cars to stop or swerve away.
As a HuntTalk member service, I will remind non-resident folks wanting to hunt spring turkeys in Kansas that there is a draw for tags. Last year there were leftovers (first come first served) for the north central zone only. Good luck!

February 14th deadline

I was unsuccessful in the drawing. Which is what I was hoping for!

I knew I wouldn’t have time to hunt Kansas this spring. But I wanted the preference point to make sure I could draw it next year when I do have time. Unfortunately Kansas will not allow you to just apply for a point.

I hope everybody who drew a tag has an amazing hunt this spring!