Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Kansas elk 2023

A couple of videos posted in the last couple of days, lifted from the Ft Riley Hunting and Fishing Facebook page:

Cooler weather and the ending of the rut have them on their feet and speaking out. November 1st can't get here fast enough!
End of October looming means that I get to get suited up again for a Ft Riley elk. The recreation zones closures have hit the October hunters pretty hard. Today there is only one zone open for hunting that normally holds elk. It looks like I won't know what zones will be open for 11/1 until Halloween.
Today is opening day for the “November” Ft.Riley tag. Below freezing this morning and the “best” elk zones are open. Southerly breezes will cause a mild warming trend, but highs will not reach much above 60. This weekend the zone that in September I had elk hair in my scope will also be open for firearms (today/tomorrow archery only).


kansasson will join me late Thursday for the weekend if I still have a tag in my pocket (figuratively as it’s an e-tag). He says he can be at the kill sight in three hours if needed before then.

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Windy 52 degrees and a skid steer machine hogging on a fields edge. I’m going to claim that this is good news, as any elk on the north side of the creek will walk into the wind and be where I’m awaiting.

Hoping for 40 yards and closer for archery in the less windy woods.

I will use the daylight to scout for a couple more creek crossings.
I would be eating whitetail tenders tonight if I had a Ft Riley deer tag. Came within 15 yards a couple of times. Eventually the younger one started to halfheartedly blow, and they went back up the trail away from the easily crossed creek.

No elk seen, but I thought I imagined some gentle cow calls as I ninja-d into position for my evening hunt.

I heard the helicopter for just a little bit of time before it overflew me. Got this former USAF heart pumping! Probably the last sound in many a insurgent/enemy combatant ears.

Breaking out the .308 tomorrow with a plan to visit the elky-est woodlands on the post.
USMC vet here... thats absolutely the last thing a few have heard. Along with the A-10. Some of our best friends in the field. The zoomies are usually to high to hear.
Im rooting for you! Im really hoping you get an elk! Looking forward to tomorrow as well!
Short version: wonderful adventure in Kansas Flint Hills, and no elk seen.
I got myself lost in the early morning darkness crossing the resident and training facilities of the main post. No such thing as a straight or level road.

Finding my spot once onto the recreation/training areas, I made it to where I had planned to be. Walking towards my first hunting spot, I was walking across greening pastures (perhaps range burned 30 days ago) when I encountered a braided strand of concertina wire. It caught onto my right boot and left gaiter. It will be less waterproof now.

Other concertina wire:

Some upland hunters are afraid to bring their dogs out, for fear of injury. Once that stuff sticks you, it is hard to make it let go. I ended up finding a second shorter piece later. Both ended up back at the car where I carefully wrapped in paper towels and duct tape for safer placement in the trash.

My morning hunt had me sitting on an L shaped opening in the woods. Two flocks of turkeys and deer seen and heard at this location. So far the only bucks I’ve seen have been outside of hunting times.

For the afternoon hunt, I was sitting out of the sun using a large tree trunk to keep me hidden as I was watching a cut/plowed/planted(?) field when I noticed lots of dust wafting with the wind. Hoping that it was a herd of elk I had binoculars up to see the first tom turkey scratching his way into my view. 10 toms/jakes that fed and dusted in front of me until it was time to fly up for the night.

kansasson is enroute, will get to manhappiness (KState hometown nickname) after midnight.

Looking forward to some ELK action tomorrow


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Live look-in……

kansasdad and son sitting in a fresh elk bed watched a small procession of 6 young’uns pass by at 40 yards. First one a youngish cow, two calf’s of the year and three spikes followed after. The grass/shrubs of this “open” place might make me have to take a neck shot when grandma cow steps out.
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