Kenetrek Boots

"Kaibab" Mule Deer Here We Come!!!!

Thanks for the good luck gentleman. It doesn't sound to promising about the updates. Usually when it is spotty it is pretty hard to get 3G on my phone to do updates. I'll try my best to see what I can do. Worst case is Stan will be able to update in 5 days or so.

I was lucky enough to hunt the early hunt in 12AW in late october. I missed a decent buck and my son shot a nice 2 point with a 16 inch spread. The weather was rainy but started to warm up toward the end of the hunt. I don't think there has been any snow so you will need to hunt in the timber. The Warm Fire Burn area produced some nice ones. Look around Forest road 429 where in intersects with 462. You may be able to get cell service at Jacob Lake but thats about it. The entire plateau is my favorite place in the state. Beautiful scenery and tons of deer. Good luck!
Thanks for the advice I'll be checking them out for sure.

Bugler.... Shoot a forked horn , just to show your human please :D

Keep in contact, phones on 24/7.

I'd invite your wife over for thanks giving if you're still gone but I'm leaving my wife to go hunting as well for that weekend. We can share my trailer/dog house when you get back !!!!
I've been in the doghouse since August. Luckily I knocked her up so she can't leave me....... yet. :eek:
I was gunna say if she needed a breathing coach while you're gone to have her call me, but I wasn't sure that cat was out of the bag yet. I'm still hoping she'll be born on my birthday. Don't change that part. :p

Good luck Fella's !!
Good luck to you can't wait to see how the hunt goes.I will have 12 Non-Res points next year so my time is coming soon i hope.
Good luck!
Although you usually don't need it, regardless of the premo tag.

Congrats on the bun in the oven as well, that's awesome.
The first leg is done. Just dreaming of bucks like these bad boys now. A 5 o'clock wake-up and a 10:00 destination in Fredonia.

Heading out in an hour or so to one of my favorite places on Earth. The antler growth is tremendous this year and hopefully the rut will follow suit. I only have 4 hunting days to spend up there with Bryce, it'd be nice to end it before I leave. Can't wait...........
Best of luck on the assist Stan...I'd say there is a sizeable bank of hunting experience in the Bugler crew.
I've never felt sorry for Arizona mulies. Until now.

There should be a pool on this one. I say, toad of a 4x5 on Day 6. But only because he wanted to "hurry back" to his wife.

Good luck, IB. Or should I say, keep on keeping on.
IB check your email. I sent you some pics of some giant taken from the neighboring unit this year to get you pumped if you need that. Best of luck!
Best of luck to ya. Even great hunters can take advantage of fortune now and then. That hunt is definately on my list and I'll enjoy hearing how you do along with the accompanying pics (hint)!
You're in for a good hunt Bryce......a good cold storm coming this weekend.

Thanks Roy we really need it. The hunt was tough today. On Thursday we found 15 bucks best being a 150ish type deer. But today, the opener, it was really warm and not much moving around. We saw 5 but nothing big. Lots and lots of hunters. We need some weather or a cold spell to get things moving. We are seeing some younger bucks pushing the does so that is a good sign.

Hopefully a good update tomorrow. Thanks for the good luck boys we are going to need it.
This is the only pic I have on my phone. Early morning waiting for light watching big muley bids. Hopefully will post more tomorrow.

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